The Catamyst main repository which contains the primary documentation and design. Catamyst is a place to learn & build website, apps, and software.
Table of Contents:
The whole group of subrepos:
- catamyst
- The main repo
- catamyst-web
- The web app / frontend / client-side
- catamyst-api
- The API service / backend / server-side
- catamyst-docs
- The documentation
- .github
- The GitHub organization profile
Available in more details at (Coming Soon).
- Landing Pages
- Home
- About
- Roadmap
- Stack
- Pricing
- Help
- Authentication/Authorization
- Sign Up
- Sign In
- Sign Out
- Dashboard
- Overview
- Settings
- Overview
- Profile
- Password
- Billing
- Profile
- User
- Organization
- Discover
- Members
- Projects
- Jobs
- Learn
- Tracks
- Topics
- Lessons
- Projects
- Jobs
- Forum
Available in more details at or (Coming Soon).
- TypeScript, including:
- JavaScript
- Node.js
- The Web Platform
- Prettier code formatter
- ESLint code linter
- GitHub code repository hosting
- Linear issue tracking and management
- React
- UI library/framework
- Remix
- ESBuild as bundler
- Babel as transpiler
- Styling packages:
- Stitches for CSS-in-JS and themes
- Radix UI for accessible component
- Data fetching options:
- Remix built-in loader and action with fetch or Axios
- React Query
- urql
- Hosting options:
- Cloudflare Pages
- Vercel
- React Native
- Kotlin
- React Native
- Swift
- Express
- GraphQL
- Prisma
- Nexus GraphQL
- Database options:
- PostgreSQL hosted in Supabase
- MySQL hosted in PlanetScale
- Unit and Functional:
- Jest
- React Testing Library
- Tomato
- End to End:
- Cypress
- Domain:
- Cloudflare Registrar
- DNS:
- Cloudflare DNS
- Short link:
- Rebrandly
- Analytics options:
- Splitbee
- Fathom
- Simple Analytics
- Error tracking options:
- Sentry
- Replay
- Marketing email options:
- Revue
- Monitoring options:
- Instatus
- UptimeRobot
- Transactional email options:
- Sendgrid
- Amazon SES
- Postmark
- Containerization:
- Docker