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Releases: beanbeanjuice/cafeBot

v3.2.0 | cafeBot - Incident Report, 10+ New Commands, and More!

19 Sep 06:35
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Incident Report
On June 3, 2023 the server running cafeBot became inaccessible. I could still access the database, however, but I could no longer login. As such, cafeBot went offline for almost 24 hours. During this process, new steps were made to ensure that this should not happen again, and if it does happen, recovery steps are available. There was minimal data loss, and to be honest, the new server is setup much more efficiently. I want to thank you all for continuing to use cafeBot even with the lack of recent updates.

Again, please continue to make bug reports on the GitHub page if possible.


  • Created the goodbye channel command! This can be invoked in the same way you'd use the /welcome command. (Use /goodbye).
  • Added a JSON handler for developers.
  • 10 new interaction commands have been added! These are amaze, ask, boop, love, nosebleed, ok, shoot, uwu, wave, and wink!

Bug Fixes

  • There was an error with the welcome message where it would show the #0000. Discord has unfortunately removed this feature. I believe it is going to show the #0000 for a while... I apologize for that.
  • There was a missing emoji when running the /stats command. This has now been fixed.
  • An old instance of my username containing the #0000 discriminator has been removed.


  • Updated API under the hood!
  • The "AI" responses were moved to a JSON file instead of being hard-coded. I can now update this without needing to update any code or even restart the bot!
  • Moved the menu to a JSON file as well. Adding new items no longer requires a restart/full bot update. (Menu items are no longer hard-coded in, but read through a file instead.) Additionally, some new items were added to the menu... can you find them all?

Upcoming Fixes

  • Birthdays still not always sending on Midnight.
  • Inefficient use of Raffles/Polls.

v3.1.4 | cafeBot - Hello, App Directory! (1000 Servers!)

07 May 08:31
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  • Finally, cafeBot has been added to the Discord App Directory! Thank you all again for supporting cafeBot.

Bug Fixes

  • Internally, DEBUG messages for Twitch notifications have been removed.
  • Removed documentation for the old !! commands.
  • The /donate-beancoins command would result in the bot always thinking. This has been fixed.
  • Added quesadilla to the list of valid words. Thank you @JatziriNANI!
  • There was a typo when using the /vent command when there was no venting channel set up. This has now been fixed by @paiyon!
  • If a user did not have a profile picture, or a server profile picture, using the /avatar command would never work. This has now been fixed. Thanks @SKXeno!
  • Fixed the /whois command. Renamed to /who-is. The old one would cause an error when run in DMs. (name change unrelated)


  • Added documentation for the privacy policy and terms and conditions.
  • Changed "Restaurants" to "Cafés" in bio.
  • Updated the file. It should be easier to fix/add your own code to cafeBot!
  • Updated the issue templates.
  • The 8 ball has been renamed! Instead of /8-ball, you now use /8ball. Hopefully this is more consistent with other bots!
  • Updated Twitch4J.

Upcoming Fixes

  • Birthdays, as of right now, are off on the timing. I will completely revamp how cafeBot recognises birthdays soon.
  • It seems as though twitch usernames with underscores do not work. I will be looking into this soon.

v3.1.3 | cafeBot - Hello, channels!

22 Oct 16:14
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  • None 😔

Bug Fixes

  • Reverted to the old way of loading servers. It seems as though the servers were not being cached and hence were unable to work. This has now, hopefully, been fixed; however, the bot, again, takes forever to start up.
  • Unfortunately, some data has been lost. To see if your custom channels are still set, do /list-custom-channels.


  • Many commands now work in all text channels! These commands are; /snipe, /connect-4, /tic-tac-toe, /create-embed, and ALL interaction commands.
  • JDA was updated and caused a few other code-breaking issues.

Again, if there are ANY issues, please let me know immediately.

v3.1.2 | cafeBot - Avatar Command/Small Improvements

14 Oct 13:11
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  • The /avatar command can now get a server or user avatar! (Thank you @zilluzion!) HOWEVER, the /banner command does not have this feature yet as JDA has not added it yet.

Bug Fixes

  • None 😎


  • Whenever you type !! you will no longer get notification spam to switch to slash commands. (Thank you again @zilluzion!)
  • I changed the way the bot starts up. It used to take over 30 minutes to startup the bot from all the caching. Hopefully, this update will improve it.
  • Also, if you're reading this, I want to thank you all for over 600+ servers! It means a lot to me and shows me that all this hard work was not in vain. I am just a solo developer as of right now, so please bare with me. Thank you all again so much. 😊

v3.1.1 | cafeBot - Bug Fixes and Improvements

04 Sep 20:35
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  • None 😔

Bug Fixes

  • The /clear command has been fixed. Previously, it would provide the user with no error notification if the bot did not have sufficient permission to remove the messages. This has now been fixed. Additionally, the code has been made much faster.
  • The /serve command had an issue inputting multiple words. This has now been fixed. Thank you, @Firepup6500!
  • Attempted a fix for the twitch notifications. This may not be an issue for most of you, please let me know if any of you are not receiving the twitch notifications you enrolled for.


  • The timezone for the birthday has been made more readable.
  • Updated funding URL.

v3.1.0 | cafeBot - New Commands, Critical Bug Fixes, and Improvements

24 Jul 01:23
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  • /banner! The banner command has been created. You can now get and view someone's profile banner!
  • /snipe! The snipe command has been created. You can now snipe someone's recently deleted message! This only works for a message that was deleted 30 seconds prior.
  • /info! You can now see basic bot information with this command! Before /ping was used. However, that shows much more technical information and not really what the bot is about.
  • /rate! You can now rate certain percentages about someone! (Or yourself)
  • /stats! See statistics regarding command usage, servers, channels, and users!

Bug Fixes

  • There was a MASSIVE issue with the log manager, causing the bot to completely stop working without fail whenever a log is created sometime after midnight in the UTC timezone. This has now been fixed. Random restarts should be no more.
  • You used to be able to set a custom channel when it was already a daily channel. This would cause errors with the bot losing the ability to update the custom channel. This has now been fixed, and you can no longer, for example, set a birthday update channel to a channel that is already a daily channel.


  • The bot upvote command (/bot-upvote) has been improved. Links have been changed to buttons, and an additional link has been added.
  • New menu items! Using /menu, we have added new items to BREAKFAST, SOUP, SIDES, SWEETS, and the SECRET menu! Remember, the secret menu isn't shown, unless you do /menu 9 😉.

v3.0.3 | cafeBot - Poll/Raffle Fix

20 Jul 16:26
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  • None :(

Bug Fixes

  • When the bot is removed from the server while a poll or raffle is active, it seems to break the bot. This has now been fixed. 🤦 This was a pretty big issue as this seemed to break the bot from contacting any sort of database.


  • None :(

v3.0.2 | cafeBot - Bug Fixes 😔

19 Jul 19:53
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  • Command usage is now logged, MEANING that only the type of command is kept in a log file. This makes it easier to debug.

Bug Fixes

  • There was a significant issue with the twitch channels. Now, if the channel is invalid, it is removed. Additionally, you are notified when you try to add a twitch channel that does not exist.
  • There was an error with the poll and raffle handlers. If you had not given the bot enough permissions, it would error out. This has now been fixed.


  • Some code was refactored? Nothing significant, though.

v3.0.1 | cafeBot - Small Improvements (Birthday Timezone, Bot Version, etc...)

17 Jul 22:32
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  • Added the /birthday-channel set and /birthday-channel remove commands. I can't believe I forgot to add this before 🤦.
  • The bot now can be tested using a "GitHub" version so that it doesn't mess with any of the beta stuff.
  • Now using the KawaiiAPI! Image loading should be much faster for the interaction commands.

Bug Fixes

  • There was an issue with the update notification showing an old command. This has now been fixed.
  • There was an error when using /bot-version. The bot would always be "thinking" even though the command was finished. This has now been fixed.


  • Internally, the API type is no longer hard coded in. It now uses an environment variable.
  • Timezones in birthdays can now be autocompleted! All you have to do is start typing your timezone, which should specify the available ones.
  • The /8-ball command had lousy visibility of the actual question asked due to the new slash commands. This has now been fixed.
  • There was a grammatical error in the pull request template. It has now been fixed.
  • A message is created for that day when a new log file is created.

v3.0.0 | cafeBot - Slash Command Overhaul

11 Jul 11:55
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Slash Command Time

  • In order for the bot to work properly, you need to reinvite the bot using this link. Commands are remaining (mostly) the same, but are being moved to slash commands! Any attempt made to run the old commands with your prefix will be met with an error, notifying you to switch to slash commands and reinvite the bot. To run commands, for example, do /help!
  • Everything else should remain mostly the same, including all settings that were previously made, except birthdays (not the birthday channel), as I will get into later.
  • For a full list of commands, since some commands have been removed, check out the GitHub Page for the bot!


  • Improved the birthday handler. Birthdays now require a timezone, however, this means that any birthdays that were previously added will be completely removed. SORRY!

Bug Fixes

  • The only bug that I can personally think of was the birthday bug. This would mean birthdays would be notified either a day before or a day late. They now notify at exactly midnight for the timezone specified!


  • Code cleanup. Since redoing the bot completely from scratch, the whole code has been cleaned up.
  • For the developers, code has been made much easier to read, and simplified. A few thousand lines of code have been removed (not including the old commands that I deleted) and that's a good thing! Most of cafeBot was spaghetti code, and I'm so happy for my year at university so that I could improve my coding abilities. This bot has gone from 17,985 lines of code to 12,804. That's a difference of 5181!

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v2.10.3...v3.0.0