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In this repository you'll find:

  • A Rails application that uses Shopify's shipit engine to provide a continuous deployment application
  • A Docker container for the rails application, built following the Bitnami tutorial
  • A Helm chart allowing you to deploy shipit in your OpenShift 4 namespace.


  • Prior to deploying the helm chart, a "deployer" service account must be provisioned. See our cas-pipeline repository for more information
  • When first installing the helm chart, you need to provied a secret-values.yaml file containing your github app information. See the shipit documentation for more information

Local development

  • install the development tools using asdf
    • OSX users might have compilation issues with ruby and might need to disable a warning: CFLAGS="-Wno-error=implicit-function-declaration" asdf install
  • install ruby gems with bundle install
  • install npm packages with yarn install
  • start a postgres db with pg_ctl start
  • start a redis store with redis-server
  • seed the development db with rake db:seed
  • start the rails server with SHIPIT_DISABLE_AUTH=1 bin/rails s
  • go to http://localhost:3000/

Updating shipit-engine

When updating to a new version of shipit-engine, it is possible that the shipit database schema was updated. To update the migrations in this application, you must run:

rake shipit:install:migrations
rake db:migrate