Hi, It's running with ruby-2.6.5 and rails 6.0. It's has admin panel and you can login and sign up. This is live in Heroku.
For use for development;
First you need to installed rvm. You can install in here. These commands preparing for run rails application.
rvm install ruby-2.6.5
rvm use ruby-2.6.5
rvm gemset create blog
rvm use ruby-2.6.5@blog
You need to install gems and configure postgreSQL connection. It might be install postgreSQL and postgreSQL-devel. I used PostgreSQL 11 but you have to use up to PostgreSQL 10 version.
RAILS ENV=development bundle install
RAILS ENV=development bundle exec db:setup
RAILS ENV=development bundle exec db:migrate
You can run with;
RAILS ENV=development rails server
If you want to run rspec tests;
rspec spec/
git clone https://gitlab.com/rection/WorkofRails
cd WorkofRails
Rvm installation need to do and that is upside.
RAILS ENV=production bundle install
RAILS ENV=production bundle exec db:setup
RAILS ENV=production bundle exec db:migrate
The last step is running unicorn.
RAILS ENV=production rails server
I use reverse proxy on Nginx. That's change with your style.