An LL(1) parser made in C++ with STL libraries.
It prints out the first, follow, parse table and checks if the given input string is accepted by the given grammar.
Compile the code with g++ and run with arguments
Grammar file contains all the productions for the grammar.
- Each line contains a production for the grammar in the format LHS->RHS
- All upper case alphabets are non-terminals or variables.
- The letter e is considered as empty string or epsilon.
- Dollar sign is used as end character.
- Any other character is taken as a terminal for the grammar
Sample Usage:
g++ parser.cpp -o parser
./parser grammar1.txt ab
Grammar parsed from grammar file:
0. S -> AB
1. A -> a
2. A -> e
3. B -> b
4. B -> e
The non terminals in the grammar are: A B S
The terminals in the grammar are: $ a b
Firsts list:
A : a e
B : b e
S : a b e
Follows list:
A : $ b
B : $
S : $
Parsing Table:
$ a b
A 2 1 2
B 4 - 3
S 0 0 0
Input string is accepted