The Forwarder service runs in a container on Flask behind uWSGI. uWSGI listens on port 3031.
This is a REST micro service that handles requests for initializing Forwarders to which endpoints will connect. This service will have the following routes:
This route expects a POST with a json payload that identifies the endpoint info and responds with a json response.
For eg:
POST payload:
{ 'endpoint_id': '<ENDPOINT_ID>', 'redis_url': '<REDIS_URL>', }
Response payload:
{ 'endpoint_id': endpoint_id, 'task_url': 'tcp://', 'result_url': 'tcp://', 'command_port': 'tcp://' }
This route will list the endpoint mappings.
This route is for liveness checking. Will return "pong" string when you do a GET on this route.
The endpoint registers and receives the information:
Endpoint / Forwarder Interaction TaskQ ResultQ | | REST /register--> Forwarder----->Executor Client ^ | ^ | | | | v | | +-------------> Interchange User ----> Endpoint ----| +--> Provider
You can run the forwareder-service in debug mode on your local system and skip the web-service entirely. For this, make sure you have the redis package installed and running. You can check this by running:
>>> redis-cli
This should output a prompt that says : This string needs to match.
Now, you can start the forwarder service for testing:
>>> forwarder-service --address --port 50005 --debug
Once you have this running, we can update the endpoint configs to point to this local service.
You can run the service inside a docker container.
>> docker run --rm -it -p 8080:8080 -e "ADVERTISED_FORWARDER_ADDRESS=host.docker.internal" -e "REDIS_HOST=localhost" -e "REDIS_PORT=6123" funcx/forwarder:dev