A Discord PyQT6 app that provide a discord overlay over the windows.
- Start discord
- Download a release according to your system or build it.
- Run the downloaded release. Warning: Windows may see the application as threat. Click 'More info' then 'Run anyway'.
- Discord will ask you to authorize to access your discord messages and channels. is the official discord app to manage apis/rpc.
- Start the overlay, the frame will be visible, you can hide it using the icon:
- You can also toggle the frame using the systray menu:
- You can resize the frame with the bottom corner button.
- Drag the window using the title bar.
The setting window can be opened by right clicking on the systemtray icon There few settings:
- Show only Speakers: will hide all people and only show the person that speak.
- Speaker border color: the color of the border of the avatar when someone speak.
- User nickname fontSize: the size of the text of the nicknames.
- User nickanme color: the color of the text of the nicknames.
- User avatar size: the size of the avatars.
- install python and git:
create a virtualenv
python3 -m venv .pyvenv3
Source the venv
- windows:
clone the sources
git clone https://github.com/bashtian-fr/discord-overlay-v2.git
install the build deps
pip install ".[tests]"
Build an executable
pip install pyinstaller
pyinstaller --icon src/discord_overlay/static/images/icon.ico -n discord-overlay --onefile --windowed src/discord_overlay/scripts/__init__.py --add-data "src/discord_overlay/static/;discord_overlay/static/"
The executable will be create in dist/ folder
In progress