Almost all of this comes from oxyc 'oxyc/mac-playbook'.
The playbook contained in this repo delegates some functionality to geerlingguy/mac-dev-playbook
's playbook and does some other things.
Note: Do NOT install anything you haven't looked through–this is a highly opinionated set of configurations. Running the playbook will affect pretty much every aspect of your environment so for others than me, this is mostly a reference point.
See also:
(the actual playbook used to provision)
By default, it will install an environment that is suited for my personal needs. Including but not limited to the tools and programs I use along with several configuration setups and dotfiles.
Along with that it will set most of the settings, including the dock layout.
Log into Mac App Store (App Store in Spotlight) From a terminal:
xcode-select --install
mkdir -p ~/git/
git clone --recursive ~/git/macbook-playbook
cd ~/git/macbook-playbook
# install uv
curl -LsSf | sh
uv venv
uv sync
source .venv/bin/activate
cp env.yml-template .env.yml
vi .env.yml
ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml
git submodule update --init --recursive
(Some casks might need an interactive password during installation).
ansible-playbook main.yml -K
You can filter which part of the provisioning process to run by specifying a set of tags using TAGS="<tag1>,<tag2>"
flag. The tags can be retrieved using:
task list-tags
task TAGS=dotfiles,homebrew all
using playbook steps:
task step
True Tone Disable True Tone for retina display
Finder: Setup sidebar containing favourites
Screen Saver: Set the screen saver to 'Flurry'
Mission Control:
- Disable: Automatically rearrange Spaces based on most recent use
Mission Control Hot Corners:
- Left top: Mission Control
- Right top: Notification Center
- Left bottom: Desktop
- Right bottom: -
Notification Centre: Set the order of items and allow permission
VScode: Install VScode MAC and sync with github
Sublime Text: Install "Sync settings" package and sync via github gist
Google Chrome: Login and sync
App Store Login Items: Start App Store menubar apps and set them to start at login (AppCleaner and OneDrive)
Keyboard Shortcuts: Under System Preferences / Keyboard:
- Lanuchpad: Disable all
- Input Sources: Disable all (needed in PyCharm)
- Mission Control:
- Mission Control: F11
- Switch Desktop 1: ctrl+1
- Switch Desktop 2: ctrl+2
- Switch Desktop 3: ctrl+3
- Disable all
- Services:
- Files and Folders:
- remove "Send File to Bluetooth Device" shortcut (needed in iTerm2)
- Disable:
- Internet
- Messaging
- Pictures
- Searching
- Text:
- Open man Page in Terminal
- Search man Page Index in Terminal
- Files and Folders:
Dock & Menu Bar:
- Automatically hide and show the dock: on
- Show recent applications in Dock: off
- Text > Convert text to Simplified Chinese: off
- Text > Convert text to Traditional Chinese: off
Disable loading Music in certain cases:
launchctl unload -w /System/Library/LaunchAgents/
- Run the function
- Run the function
Snippets need to be exported and inported manually. They are save as json file. iterm2_snippets.json.
Changes made to the dynamic profile, needs to be exported, Profiles.json. On its turn, this file needs to be copied back to DynamicProfiles dir, $HOME/Library/Application Support/iTerm2/DynamicProfiles
TAGS=iterm2 ./run all