This repository includes several basic perception project
numpy, cv2, matplotlib
Detect AR tag in any direction.
Video 1. AR Tag detection
Calculate how many coins in this image.
Image processing is shown as follows, and the number of coins will be published in your terminal when you executed the code.
Fig 1. (Left) Preprocessing image (Right) After processing image
Given a sequence of image and do Historgram Equalization and Adaptive Historgram Equalization to each images.
Fig 2. Original image Fig 3. Historgram Equalization (top) original (mid) Historgram Equalization (bot) Adaptive Historgram Equalization
Detect Lane in the highway.
Video 2. Line Detection
Calculate the curvature of the lane in the highway and predict the steering direction.
Video 3. Turning Prediction
implement the concept of Stereo Vision. given several different datasets, each of them contains 2 images of the same scenario but taken from two different camera angles. By comparing the information about a scene from 2 vantage points, we can obtain the 3D information by examining the relative positions of objects.
- Calibration: Get the F (fundamental matrix), K (intrinsic matrix), and E (essential matrix)
- Rectification: Apply the perspective transformation to make sure that the epipolar lines are horizontal for both images
- Correspondence: Get the disparity image which is the image that given where each pixels gives the disparity of the 3D points.
- Compute Depth Image: Directly use the disparity matrix to calculate the depth image.
Fig 4. Corresponding Eplliplolar line
Fig 5. Rectified
Fig 6. Disparity
Fig 7. Depth image