Run Docker container images in Firecracker microVMs on balenaOS
Firecracker is an open source virtualization technology that is purpose-built for creating and managing secure, multi-tenant container and function-based services that provide serverless operational models. Firecracker runs workloads in lightweight virtual machines, called microVMs, which combine the security and isolation properties provided by hardware virtualization technology with the speed and flexibility of containers.
firecracker-containerd enables the use of a container runtime, containerd, to manage Firecracker microVMs.
Potential use cases of Firecracker-based containers include:
Sandbox a partially or fully untrusted third party container in its own microVM. This would reduce the likelihood of leaking secrets via the third party container, for example. Bin-pack disparate container workloads on the same host, while maintaining a high level of isolation between containers. Because the overhead of Firecracker is low, the achievable container density per host should be comparable to running containers using kernel-based container runtimes, without the isolation compromise of such solutions. Multi-tenant hosts would particularly benefit from this use case.
Firecracker supports x86_64 and aarch64 Linux, see specific supported kernels.
Firecracker also requires the KVM Linux kernel module.
The presence of the KVM module can be checked with:
lsmod | grep kvm
As such, the following device types have been tested:
- Generic x86_64 (GPT)
- Generic AARCH64
You can one-click-deploy this project to balena using the button below:
Alternatively, deployment can be carried out by manually creating a balenaCloud account and application, flashing a device, downloading the project and pushing it via the balena CLI.
Set the env var FICD_IMAGE_TAG
to the desired OCI-compliant container image tag and it will be pulled and executed as the guest container.
If the image registry needs credentials or similar, custom pull options can be provided with FICD_IMAGE_PULL_OPTIONS
such as --user user:pass
See below for a full list of options or execute firecracker-ctr images pull --help
in the service shell.
firecracker-ctr images pull - pull an image from a remote
firecracker-ctr images pull [command options] [flags] <ref>
Fetch and prepare an image for use in containerd.
After pulling an image, it should be ready to use the same reference in a run
command. As part of this process, we do the following:
1. Fetch all resources into containerd.
2. Prepare the snapshot filesystem with the pulled resources.
3. Register metadata for the image.
--skip-verify, -k skip SSL certificate validation
--plain-http allow connections using plain HTTP
--user value, -u value user[:password] Registry user and password
--refresh value refresh token for authorization server
--hosts-dir value Custom hosts configuration directory
--tlscacert value path to TLS root CA
--tlscert value path to TLS client certificate
--tlskey value path to TLS client key
--http-dump dump all HTTP request/responses when interacting with container registry
--http-trace enable HTTP tracing for registry interactions
--snapshotter value snapshotter name. Empty value stands for the default value. [$CONTAINERD_SNAPSHOTTER]
--label value labels to attach to the image
--platform value Pull content from a specific platform
--all-platforms pull content and metadata from all platforms
--all-metadata Pull metadata for all platforms
--print-chainid Print the resulting image's chain ID
--max-concurrent-downloads value Set the max concurrent downloads for each pull (default: 0)
A custom run COMMAND can be provided via FICD_RUN_COMMAND
followed by one or more ARGS via FICD_RUN_ARG_[*]
environment variables.
Extra run options can be provided via FICD_RUN_OPTIONS
See below for a full list of options or execute firecracker-ctr run --help
in the service shell.
firecracker-ctr run - run a container
firecracker-ctr run [command options] [flags] Image|RootFS ID [COMMAND] [ARG...]
--rm remove the container after running, cannot be used with --detach
--null-io send all IO to /dev/null
--log-uri value log uri
--detach, -d detach from the task after it has started execution, cannot be used with --rm
--fifo-dir value directory used for storing IO FIFOs
--cgroup value cgroup path (To disable use of cgroup, set to "" explicitly)
--platform value run image for specific platform
--cni enable cni networking for the container
--runc-binary value specify runc-compatible binary
--runc-root value specify runc-compatible root
--runc-systemd-cgroup start runc with systemd cgroup manager
--uidmap container-uid:host-uid:length run inside a user namespace with the specified UID mapping range; specified with the format container-uid:host-uid:length
--gidmap container-gid:host-gid:length run inside a user namespace with the specified GID mapping range; specified with the format container-gid:host-gid:length
--remap-labels provide the user namespace ID remapping to the snapshotter via label options; requires snapshotter support
--cpus value set the CFS cpu quota (default: 0)
--cpu-shares value set the cpu shares (default: 1024)
--snapshotter value snapshotter name. Empty value stands for the default value. [$CONTAINERD_SNAPSHOTTER]
--snapshotter-label value labels added to the new snapshot for this container.
--config value, -c value path to the runtime-specific spec config file
--cwd value specify the working directory of the process
--env value specify additional container environment variables (e.g. FOO=bar)
--env-file value specify additional container environment variables in a file(e.g. FOO=bar, one per line)
--label value specify additional labels (e.g. foo=bar)
--annotation value specify additional OCI annotations (e.g. foo=bar)
--mount value specify additional container mount (e.g. type=bind,src=/tmp,dst=/host,options=rbind:ro)
--net-host enable host networking for the container
--privileged run privileged container
--read-only set the containers filesystem as readonly
--runtime value runtime name (default: "io.containerd.runc.v2")
--runtime-config-path value optional runtime config path
--tty, -t allocate a TTY for the container
--with-ns value specify existing Linux namespaces to join at container runtime (format '<nstype>:<path>')
--pid-file value file path to write the task's pid
--gpus value add gpus to the container
--allow-new-privs turn off OCI spec's NoNewPrivileges feature flag
--memory-limit value memory limit (in bytes) for the container (default: 0)
--device value file path to a device to add to the container; or a path to a directory tree of devices to add to the container
--cap-add value add Linux capabilities (Set capabilities with 'CAP_' prefix)
--cap-drop value drop Linux capabilities (Set capabilities with 'CAP_' prefix)
--seccomp enable the default seccomp profile
--seccomp-profile value file path to custom seccomp profile. seccomp must be set to true, before using seccomp-profile
--apparmor-default-profile value enable AppArmor with the default profile with the specified name, e.g. "cri-containerd.apparmor.d"
--apparmor-profile value enable AppArmor with an existing custom profile
--rdt-class value name of the RDT class to associate the container with. Specifies a Class of Service (CLOS) for cache and memory bandwidth management.
--rootfs use custom rootfs that is not managed by containerd snapshotter
--no-pivot disable use of pivot-root (linux only)
--cpu-quota value Limit CPU CFS quota (default: -1)
--cpu-period value Limit CPU CFS period (default: 0)
--rootfs-propagation value set the propagation of the container rootfs
Ephemeral secrets can be provided to the container runtime via FICD_SECRET_[*]
environment variables.
Each secret will be written to /run/secrets/{secret_key}
in the VM and /run/secrets
is mounted into the container.
The container can use these secrets as needed, and should delete /run/secrets/*
during init to avoid leaking.
On next firecracker service container start, the secrets will be repopulated.
If the guest container exits with code 0, it will be restarted without killing the firecracker service container.
This behaviour can be turned off by setting FICD_KEEP_ALIVE=false
which will result in the firecracker service restarting if the guest container exits.
Please open an issue or submit a pull request with any features, fixes, or changes.