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Bound Model Collection Hooks

buttondownben edited this page Oct 16, 2013 · 8 revisions

Hooks into a change in the model or collection associated with your component are a very powerful thing. You can update the UI, cache some data, or perform many other useful actions. If you bind a model or collection to a component by defining this.model or this.collection you can tap into lifecycle changes in these data structures.

Model Hooks

Handlers can be written to respond to changes in the component's model. Just define the afterChange function in your component.

Mast.define('Person', function () {
  return {

    beforeRender: function() {
      this.model = new Mast.Model.extend({name:'Joe', age:'25'});

    // Define afterChange as a function that is called when the model is changed.
    afterChange: function(model, options) {

      // write some code that can use the updated model and options passed to that change.

You can also define afterChange as a hash that contains methods called when a certain model attribute is changed.

Mast.define('Person', function () {
  return {


    // Define afterChange as a hash with handlers that are called when that attribute is changed.
    // All handlers passed the new value that the attribute was changed to.
    afterChange: {

      name: function (newVal) {
        // some code that does something when the model's `name` attribute is changed.

      age: function (newVal) {
        // some code that does something when the model's `age` attribute is changed.


Collection Hooks

Component collections also have hooks when models are being added, removed, and/or reset on the collection performed. These hooks are afterAdd, afterRemove, and afterReset.

Mast.define('PhoneBook', function () {
  return {

    beforeRender: function() {
      this.collection = new Mast.Collection.extend({model: Contact});


    // Is called whenever a model is added to the components bound collection.
    afterAdd: function(model, collection, options) {

    // Is called whenever a model is removed from the components bound collection.
    afterRemove: function(model, collection, options) {

    // Is called whenever the component's bound collection is reset.
    afterReset: function(collection, options) {

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