This repository contains the hardware design files for the WHY2025 badge.
Detailed information can be found on our website.
Need the schematic? It's in this repository as a PDF file.
This hardware design may be used under the terms of the CERN-OHL-P license.
All organization names, logos and trademarks such as but not limited to the Badge.Team name, logo and mascots, the WHY2025 name and logo and the Nicolai Electronics name and logo are all rights reserved for their respective owners and may not be reproduced on derrivative works.
An exception to this rule is the use of the Badge.Team name and logo when accompanied by clear text indicating that the derrived work is powered by or based on a design by Badge.Team.
The electronics have been designed by Renze Nicolai from Nicolai Electronics and Paul Honig.
The WHY2025 badge frontpanel artwork has been designed by Nikolett,
The ergonomic board outline has been designed by Jay Visschedijk.
A special thanks to all the volunteers who contributed by helping with the routing and by debugging the hardware design: