🎲♟ - Play the Game 🎲♟
(9 Men's Morris) Is a logic board game that I have recently fallen in love with. I hope you enjoy
💡- This game is fully playable, if you follow the rules. You can use "put back" button during Phase 2.
Goal: Form 3 "men" in a row to capture opponents pieces
- Start: Roll to see who goes first! Default: Player One
- Phase 1: Take turns placing men till your have 0
- Phase 2: Move men one space following path. Use "Put Back" button to return piece to board if needed.
- Phase 3: When any player is down to last 3 men "Flying" is enabled and players can move freely on the board.
- Win: When opponent has no legal moves or only 2 men.
⚠- Bug ⚠ Rare case but if only Mills are left and player count !=3 cant capture pieces. Must to restart. Working on fix 😵
⛑- Still working on some of the logic preventing breaking rules. Also working on other UX/UI improvements. Before requesting a feature or submitting feedback please check Todo List.
As I start to refactor the project I might look at moving it over to Svelte "framework" over vanilla js.
// working
✅ Player turns Phase 1 and 2
✅ Single Mills (highlighting working for double)
✅ Capturing Players (must capture to advance if mill)
✅ Phase 2 only moves on path allowed
✅ Phase 2 undo "Put Back" button enabled **not optional**
✅ Mills are safe from capture
✅ Phase 3 "Fly" moves allowed for both players **not optional**
// working on
❌ Allow capture: more than 1 mill are only pieces to capture **While rare** locks moves forced restart
❌ Can move more than one space (illegal move, unless Phase 3)
// optionals
❌ Double Mills will highlight but only one capture allowed
❌ Can't turn Phase 3 off (on by default)
- There are 2 players in the game.
- The board consists of a grid of 3 squares one inside the other, with lines connecting the 24 intersections on which pieces can be placed.
- Each player has 9 pieces, called “men” of a given color.
- Each player tries to form a “mill”, which is 3 of their pieces in one row connected by the line. - To form a mill, the pieces can be placed either horizontally or vertically, but not at at a 90 degree angle, and they must be connected by lines.
- The game begins when all pieces are off the board.
- Players decide who goes first either by agreement or by lot, such as toss of a coin.
- There are 3 phases to the game:
- Phase 1: Placing the men onto the board
- The players take turns placing one piece at a time onto the board, onto the empty dots.
- During this phase each player tries to prevent the opponent from forming a mill. However, if a mill was formed anyway, then the player who formed a mill gets to remove one of the opponent’s pieces, of their choice, from the board. The piece removed has to be not in a mill itself. If all of the opponent’s pieces form a mill, then none of the opponent’s pieces can be removed.
- Players can form more than one mill in a single move by strategically placing their pieces. If they form more than one mill, then they get to remove as many of the opponent’s pieces, as the number of mills that they formed.
- The act of removing an opponent’s piece after forming a mill is called, “pounding”.
- Phase 2: Moving the men on the board
- Once all of the pieces have been placed onto the board, the players begin moving their pieces, in alternating moves, one dot at a time to try to form mills in the same fashion as in the first phase.
- In the second phase pieces can only move to an adjacent dot, and pieces cannot jump over each other or skip dots if more than one are available in a row.
- A player is allowed to move a piece out of a mill and then moving it back on the next move to form the mill again. If this happens it is considered as if they formed a new mill and they get to remove one of the opponent’s pieces.
- Optional Phase 3: Flying the men across the board
- When one of the players has been reduced down to 3 last pieces, phase 2 ends and phase 3 begins.
- In phase 3, the limitation of moving only to an adjacent dot is removed, and both players can move their pieces to any available dot, even if that requires skipping dots or jumping over other pieces. Such movement is called “flying”.
- Phase 3 is optional and is considered a variation of the game to give an advantage to the losing opponent once they only have one piece left. If the players agree not to play phase 3 then they continue playing phase 2 until the end of the game.
- The game ends when one of the players is reduced to two pieces, and cannot any longer form mills, or if a player has no legal moves to make, making their opponent the winner in either situation.
features you will probably never get lol
- Ready up to start first turn roll
- multiplayer of some sort...
- Chatroom with ready commands or just chat if multiplayer
- Chat lobby and game rooms(one chat different views)?
- 0.3b Almost fully functioning
- UI/UX changes from colors to mobile hover, and icons.
- Player can not move back to the same spot, if piece is picked up and has no move must use "Put Back"
- Phase 3: Flying Now works for both players. GG HF
- 0.2b Did stuffs
- Restricted moves to only paths
- Mills are now safe from capture unless opponent on board count = 3