This script saves content of docker volume to file.tar (BACKUP), and creates volume out of file.tar (RESTORE), created from the volume.
BACKUP usage:
docker-volume backup [--path PATH] [VOLUME...]
- PATH - directory for backups,
by default. - VOLUMEs - names of docker volumes to be backed up in folder PATH, all volumes by default
RESTORE usage:
docker-volume restore [-f] [FILE...|PATH...]
- -f - remove previous volume, prune containers if needed, interactive.
- PATHs - directories of backups, where all
files to be restored located. - FILEs - docker volume backups files
, that were created by this script.
This script keeps track on cd
history. Binds Alt+,
and Alt+.
to go back and next, requires bash-preexec, does not work on macOS, uses HISTIGNORE variable. No history polluting. FIXME: make it work on macOS (Alt+,
gives ≤