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The collection of pre-trained, state-of-the-art models for Unity.

How to use

ailia MODELS Unity tutorial

Supporting Models

Audio processing

Name Detail Exported From Supported Ailia Version Blog
silero_vad Silero VAD Pytorch 1.2.15 and later JP
rvc Retrieval-based-Voice-Conversion-WebUI Pytorch 1.2.12 and later JP
whisper Whisper Pytorch 1.3.0 and later JP

Depth estimation

Name Detail Exported From Supported Ailia Version Blog
midas Towards Robust Monocular Depth Estimation:
Mixing Datasets for Zero-shot Cross-dataset Transfer
Pytorch 1.2.4 and later EN JP


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latent-diffusion-inpainting Latent Diffusion - inpainting Pytorch 1.2.10 and later
latent-diffusion-superresolution Latent Diffusion - Super-resolution Pytorch 1.2.10 and later
stable-diffusion-txt2img Stable Diffusion Pytorch 1.2.14 and later


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detic Detecting Twenty-thousand Classes using Image-level Supervision Pytorch 1.2.14 and later EN JP

Generative adversarial networks

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lipgan LipGAN Keras 1.2.15 and later JP
gfpgan GFP-GAN: Towards Real-World Blind Face Restoration with Generative Facial Prior Pytorch 1.2.10 and later JP

Hand recognition

Name Detail Exported From Supported Ailia Version Blog
blazehand MediaPipePyTorch Pytorch 1.2.5 and later EN JP

Image classification

Name Detail Exported From Supported Ailia Version Blog
googlenet Going Deeper with Convolutions Pytorch 1.2.0 and later
resnet50 Deep Residual Learning for Image Recognition Chainer 1.2.0 and later
inceptionv3 Rethinking the Inception Architecture for Computer Vision Pytorch 1.2.0 and later JP
mobilenetv2 PyTorch Implemention of MobileNet V2 Pytorch 1.2.0 and later
mobilenetv3 PyTorch Implemention of MobileNet V3 Pytorch 1.2.1 and later
partialconv Partial Convolution Layer for Padding and Image Inpainting Pytorch 1.2.0 and later

Image deformation

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dewarpnet DewarpNet: Single-Image Document Unwarping With Stacked 3D and 2D Regression Networks Pytorch 1.2.1 and later

Image segmentation

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deeplabv3 Xception65 for backbone network of DeepLab v3+ Chainer 1.2.0 and later
hrnet_segmentation High-resolution networks (HRNets) for Semantic Segmentation Pytorch 1.2.1 and later
hair_segmentation hair segmentation in mobile device Keras 1.2.1 and later
pspnet-hair-segmentation pytorch-hair-segmentation Pytorch 1.2.2 and later
U2net U2-Net: Going Deeper with Nested U-Structure for Salient Object Detection Pytorch 1.2.2 and later EN JP

Image manipulation

Name Detail Exported From Supported Ailia Version Blog
noise2noise Learning Image Restoration without Clean Data Pytorch 1.2.0 and later
illnet Document Rectification and Illumination Correction using a Patch-based CNN Pytorch 1.2.2 and later
colorization Colorful Image Colorization Pytorch 1.2.2 and later EN JP

Large ;anguage model

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gemma2 gemma-2-2b Llama.cpp
llama3.2 llama3.2-3b Llama.cpp

Object detection

Name Detail Exported From Supported Ailia Version Blog
yolov1-tiny YOLO: Real-Time Object Detection Darknet 1.1.0 and later
yolov1-face YOLO-Face-detection Darknet 1.1.0 and later
yolov2 YOLO: Real-Time Object Detection Pytorch 1.2.0 and later
yolov2-tiny YOLO: Real-Time Object Detection Pytorch 1.2.0 and later
yolov3 YOLO: Real-Time Object Detection ONNX Runtime 1.2.1 and later EN JP
yolov3-tiny YOLO: Real-Time Object Detection ONNX Runtime 1.2.1 and later
yolov3-face Face detection using keras-yolov3 Keras 1.2.1 and later
yolov3-hand Hand detection branch of Face detection using keras-yolov3 Keras 1.2.1 and later
yolov4 YOLO: Real-Time Object Detection Pytorch 1.2.7 and later
yolov4-tiny YOLO: Real-Time Object Detection Pytorch 1.2.7 and later
yolox YOLOX Pytorch 1.2.9 and later EN JP
mobilenet_ssd MobileNetV1, MobileNetV2, VGG based SSD/SSD-lite implementation in Pytorch Pytorch 1.2.1 and later

Pose estimation

Name Detail Exported From Supported Ailia Version Blog
lightweight-human-pose-estimation Fast and accurate human pose estimation in PyTorch. Contains implementation of "Real-time 2D Multi-Person Pose Estimation on CPU: Lightweight OpenPose" paper. Pytorch 1.2.1 and later EN JP
blazepose-fullbody MediaPipe TensorFlow Lite 1.2.5 and later
pose_resnet Simple Baselines for Human Pose Estimation and Tracking Pytorch 1.2.1 and later EN JP

Style transfer

Name Detail Exported From Supported Ailia Version Blog
adain Arbitrary Style Transfer in Real-time with Adaptive Instance Normalization Pytorch 1.2.1 and later EN JP

Super resolution

Name Detail Exported From Supported Ailia Version Blog
srresnet Photo-Realistic Single Image Super-Resolution Using a Generative Adversarial Network Pytorch 1.2.0 and later EN JP
real-esrgan Real-ESRGAN Pytorch 1.2.9 and later

Text recognition

Name Detail Exported From Supported Ailia Version Blog
paddleocr PaddleOCR : Awesome multilingual OCR toolkits based on PaddlePaddle Pytorch 1.2.6 and later EN JP

Text to Speech

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tacotron2 Tacotron2 Pytorch 1.2.15 and later JP
gpt-sovits GPT-SoVITS Pytorch 1.4.0 and later JP

Face detection

Name Detail Exported From Supported Ailia Version Blog
blazeface BlazeFace-PyTorch Pytorch 1.2.1 and later EN JP
facemesh facemesh.pytorch Pytorch 1.2.2 and later EN JP
facemesh_v2 MediaPipe Face landmark detection Pytorch 1.2.9 and later JP
retinaface RetinaFace: Single-stage Dense Face Localisation in the Wild. Pytorch 1.2.5 and later JP

Face identification

Name Detail Exported From Supported Ailia Version Blog
vggface2 VGGFace2 Dataset for Face Recognition Caffe 1.1.0 and later
arcface pytorch implement of arcface Pytorch 1.2.1 and later EN JP

Person ReID

Name Detail Exported From Supported Ailia Version Blog
person_reid_baseline_pytorch UTS-Person-reID-Practical Pytorch 1.2.6 and later

Natural Language Processing

Name Detail Exported From Supported Ailia Version Blog
sentence_transformers_japanese sentence transformers Pytorch 1.2.7 and later JP
multilingual-e5 multilingual-e5-base Pytorch 1.2.15 and later JP
fugumt-en-ja Fugu-Machine Translator Pytorch 1.2.9 and later JP
fugumt-ja-en Fugu-Machine Translator Pytorch 1.2.10 abd later


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ailia Unity API

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