Welcome to the SyliusMolliePayumBundle - a Payum implementation of the Mollie gateway to use in your Sylius (~beta) webshop.
For details on how to get started with SyliusMolliePayumBundle, keep on reading.
All code included in the SyliusMolliePayumBundle is released under the MIT or BSD license.
Edit your composer.json to include the bundle as a dependency.
"require": {
"axelvnk/sylius-mollie-payum-bundle": "dev-master",
Open up a command line window and tell composer to download the new dependency.
$ php composer.phar update axelvnk/sylius-mollie-payum-bundle
// app/AppKernel.php
public function registerBundles()
$bundles = array(
new Axelvnk\SyliusMolliePayumBundle\SyliusMolliePayumBundle(),
// app/config/config.yml
- { resource: "@SyliusMolliePayumBundle/Resources/config/config.yml" }
// app/config/parameters.yml
axelvnk.payum.mollie_api_key: YOUR_API_KEY
This is just necessary to be able to select 'mollie' as a gateway for your payment methods through the admin interface. The config and factory name aren't even used, so don't worry about being correct.
INSERT INTO `sylius_gateway_config` (`config`, `gateway_name`, `factory_name`)
VALUES ('a:1:{s:6:\"apiKey\";s:35:\"test_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\";}', 'mollie', 'axelvnk_mollie');
You can always change behavior by changing the parameter value for the classes.
// app/config/parameters.yml
axelvnk.payum.action.capture.class: Your\Own\CaptureAction
axelvnk.payum.action.status.class: Your\Own\StatusAction
axelvnk.payum.action.notify.class: Your\Own\NotifyAction
axelvnk.payum.action.resolve_next_route.class: Your\Own\ResolveNextRouteAction
By default, Sylius moves an order's checkout state to completed before knowing if the payment is fulfilled or not.
In my ResolveNextRouteAction you can see that I redirect to the last step in the checkout process if the payment has failed for some reason. But Sylius removes a cart if the state is not longer new. So you will end up with an empty cart upon returning from Mollie if the payment has been cancelled or has failed.
To prevent this from happening you should either fiddle with the state machine, or you simply do this in your custom CaptureAction :
And this in your custom ResolveNextRouteAction
/** @var Payment $payment */
$payment = $request->getModel();
/** @var Order $order */
$order = $payment->getOrder();
if ($payment->getState() === Payment::STATE_COMPLETED) {