This site is stored in the "my-react-portfolio" repository on Alix's github account (username: awebb8). This repository is public.
Link to repository:
Link to deployed site on Heroku:
Link to deployed site on Github Pages:
Create a personal portfolio website using react.
The "About" page is a brief summary of myself. It includes links to my personal LinkedIn and GitHub pages, a link to my resume, and a photo of myself. The "About" page is accessible from all other pages through using the Navbar.
The "Portfolio" page displays images of the homeworks and projects I have completed. The "Portfolio" page is accessible from all other pages through using the Navbar.
On the "Contact" page, site users can input their Name, Email, and a message in order to get in touch with me. The "Contact" page is accessible from all other pages through using the Navbar.