A script to calculate lead and cycle time from LeanKit boards
- Install Vagrant
- Fire up Vagrant
vagrant up
vagrant ssh
- Install dependencies
npm install
- Run the node script
node extract-leadtime.js --help
➜ node extract-leadtime.js
--version Show version number [boolean]
--account Specify the LeanKit account name (https://<account
id>.leankit.com) [required]
--email The email address used to log in to LeanKit [required]
--password, --pass The password used to log in to LeanKit [required]
--boardId, --bid The id of the board you want to calculate lead and cycle
time for [required]
--month, -m The month as a date to lead time calculation during.
Format: YYYY-MM [required]
--help Show help [boolean]
Missing required arguments: account, email, password, boardId, month
Please provide all arguments to work with this tool
Card Count : 54
Average Lead Time (Days): 15.9
Average Cycle Time (Days): 14.3