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Automated management for your and other versioned files, following the principles of Keep a Changelog and Semantic Versioning.

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Automated management of your and other versioned files, following the principles of Keep a Changelog and Semantic Versioning.

This project uses Jinja for simple yet powerful templating and regular expressions for pattern matching. To learn more about this, checkout the .changelogger.yml Syntax section. The next section will go over how this works, and you can use changelogger to help manage your versioned files.


With any software that is versioned, it is typically necessary to include the version number in more than one file. In addition to the version changes, there is also a need for certain projects to include their changelog contents in multiple locations. Maintaining these files by hand is tedious and error prone.

By automating the upgrade of each of these files, we can reduce the risk of out-of-sync files, validate these changes in our CI/CD pipelines, and save ourselves some time.


pip install changelogged


Run changelog [SUBCOMMANDS] --help to understand the usage for any command.

❯ changelogger --help

 Usage: changelogger [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

 Automated management of your and other versioned files, following the principles
 of Keep a Changelog and Semantic Versioning.

╭─ Options ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ --install-completion          Install completion for the current shell.                       │
│ --show-completion             Show completion for the current shell, to copy it or customize  │
│                               the installation.                                               │
│ --help                        Show this message and exit.                                     │
╭─ Commands ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ manage      Management commands for changelog and other versioned files, as specified in the  │
│             changelogger config file.                                                         │
│ unreleased  Commands for the unreleased section of the changelog.                             │


The .changelogger.yml configuration file allows you to customize what files are versioned and maintained by Changelogger. Let's say you have a pyproject.toml file which is versioned in addition to your file. You would add the .changelogger.yml file to the root of your project, with the following configuration.

  - rel_path: "pyproject.toml"
    pattern: 'version = "{{ old_version }}"'
    jinja: 'version = "{{ new_version }}"'

In fact, that's the exact configuration used by this project! Let's breakdown what each line means.


This line lets Changelogger know that you have a list of files you would like Changelogger to maintain. This list can be one or more, but if it doesn't exist, Changelogger will only manage the file.

- rel_path: "pyproject.toml"

The - is the start of a new versioned file section; it's unimportant that this is on the rel_path field, but is important that this section is separated from other versioned files, and that all other related fields are below the -'d field.

The rel_path lets Changelogger know that there is a file in the path, relative to the .changelogger.yml file, that you would like Changelogger to maintain the version in said file. In this case, the pyproject.toml file is at the root of this project, so all we need is that name.

Note that you can list a file multiple times within the configuration file; this can reduce the complexity of pattern matching while keeping all versioned sections of a file in-sync.

pattern: 'version = "{{ old_version }}"'

The pattern field lets Changelogger know how to find the versioned segment in this file. The pattern field supports Python's flavor of regular expressions, as well as the use of Jinja with pre-determined variables. More on these can be found below. The combination of these two allow for a strong yet simple pattern matching interface.

jinja: 'version = "{{ new_version }}"'

The jinja field is used as a jinja template to replace the matched pattern. The same rendered variables which are available for the pattern field can be utilized by this field.

Further, using standard yaml, you can create a multiline jinja to replace the matched pattern. For instance, if our release also came with a release date, we could use the following .changelogger.yml file to manage the required changes.

  - rel_path: "pyproject.toml"
    pattern: 'version = "{{ old_version }}"\nrelease_date = "\d+-\d+-\d+"'
    jinja: |
      version = "{{ new_version }}"
      release_date = "{{ today }}"

While this approach is great for a simple use case like the one above, it falls short for more complex jinja templates. To help deal with this limitation, the template field can be used. This allows us to move our code to a jinja file and reference said file relative to the .changelogger.yml file.


  - rel_path: "pyproject.toml"
    pattern: 'version = "{{ old_version }}"\nrelease_date = "\d+-\d+-\d+"'
    jinja: |
      version = "{{ new_version }}"
      release_date = "{{ today }}"


version = "{{ new_version }}"
release_date = "{{ today }}"

Now we have our multiline Jinja outside of our configuration file and, with the right IDE support, we can get Jinja syntax highlighting. Examples of Jinja templates used by this project can be found in the templates directory.

With that, we now understand how the Changelogger configuration file works. Now all you need to do is let Changelogger do the heavy lifting for any upgrade with the manage upgrade. Make sure to explore what commands are available by using the changelogger --help command!

.changelogger.yml Syntax

This section reviews all available configuration sections of the Changelogger configuration file. For a more streamlined introduction, review the introduction section. The JSON Schema Core compliant schema can be found in the config.schema.json file.

The changelog field is used for managing and updating the If your project doesn't follow the standard changelog file format prescribed by Changelogger, you will need to upate this section. Note that the changelog section requires both the overview and links sub sections be provided. However, if there are other versioned changes you would like to require Changelogger manage on your behalf, you can add those to the versioned_files section.

Example File with All Required Fields

  rel_path: ""
    pattern: '### \[Unreleased\]([\s\S]*)### \[{{ old_version }}]'
    template: ./templates/.cl.overview.jinja2
    pattern: '\[Unreleased\]:.*\n'
    template: ./templates/.cl.links.jinja2

  - rel_path: "pyproject.toml"
    pattern: 'version = "{{ old_version }}"'
    jinja: 'version = "{{ new_version }}"'

Jinja Variables

The following is an overview of the jinja variables available in the pattern field and the jinja templating for managed replacement.

new_version: string

The new version after the requested semantic version bump type has been applied.



New Version: {{ new_version }}

old_version: string

The current version of the project, which the requested semantic version bump type will be applied on.



Old Version: {{ old_version }}


A object with today's date.



Todays Date: {{ today }}

sections: dict[str, list[str]]

A map from each section of the Keep a Changelog standard to the notes included for that section.



{% for name, notes in sections.items() -%}
{% if notes -%}
#### {{ name.title() }}
{% for note in notes -%}
- {{ note }}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}

{%- endfor -%}

context: dict[str, Any]

User specified context in the .changelogger.yml configuration file, available in both the pattern and jinja through dot notation.



  - rel_path: "pyproject.toml"
    pattern: 'version = "{{ old_version }}"'
    template: '.pyproject.toml.jinja2'
        org: award28
        repo: changelogger


org: {{ }}
repo: {{ context.git.repo }}


Automated management for your and other versioned files, following the principles of Keep a Changelog and Semantic Versioning.



