Container infrastructure on which Autoreduction is deployed.
- Login to the OpenStack dashboard
- Select Launch Instance
- Details
- Instance Name =
- Count = 3
- Instance Name =
- Source = ubuntu-focal-20.04-nogui
- Flavour = c3.large
- Security Groups
- Remove Default
- Add use-host-firewall
- Key pair
- Ensure the public key associated with you in users.yml is added
- Select Launch Instance
When asked for a sudo password, use your Fed ID password.
The location you choose for <SECURE PATH>
should actually be somewhere secure, if in doubt, use /tmp
and put up with having to run step 6 again to get another copy.
- Ensure the inventory is up to date and that the correct user is specified for
- Ensure the user configuration is up to date
ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml
ansible-playbook -K --ask-vault-pass system.yml -e system_reboot=true
export KUBECONFIG=/<SECURE PATH>/kubeconfig
ansible-playbook -K --ask-vault-pass k3s.yml
ansible-playbook -K --ask-vault-pass services.yml -e longhorn_generate_iscsi_iname=true
- Steps 1, 3 and 5 from the Deployment instructions
ansible-playbook -K --ask-vault-pass k3s.yml -l k8s_controller
kubectl cluster-info