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Do not allow moving a folder into itself #1173

merged 11 commits into from
Jul 11, 2018
31 changes: 24 additions & 7 deletions lib/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -702,7 +702,7 @@ class TreeView
window.localStorage['tree-view:copyPath'] = JSON.stringify(selectedPaths)

# Public: Copy the path of the selected entry element.
# Public: Cut the path of the selected entry element.
# Save the path in localStorage, so that cutting from 2 different
# instances of atom works as intended
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basePath = path.dirname(basePath) if selectedEntry.classList.contains('file')
newPath = path.join(basePath, path.basename(initialPath))

# Do not allow copying test/a/ into test/a/b/
# Note: A trailing path.sep is added to prevent false positives, such as test/a -> test/ab
realBasePath = fs.realpathSync(basePath) + path.sep
realInitialPath = fs.realpathSync(initialPath) + path.sep
if initialPathIsDirectory and realBasePath.startsWith(realInitialPath)
unless fs.isSymbolicLinkSync(initialPath)
atom.notifications.addWarning('Cannot paste a folder into itself')

if copiedPaths
# append a number to the file if an item with the same name exists
fileCounter = 0
Expand All @@ -753,7 +762,7 @@ class TreeView
newPath = "#{filePath}#{fileCounter}#{extension}"
fileCounter += 1

if fs.isDirectorySync(initialPath)
if initialPathIsDirectory
# use fs.copy to copy directories since read/write will fail for directories
catchAndShowFileErrors =>
fs.copySync(initialPath, newPath)
Expand All @@ -764,9 +773,8 @@ class TreeView
fs.writeFileSync(newPath, fs.readFileSync(initialPath))
@emitter.emit 'entry-copied', {initialPath, newPath}
else if cutPaths
# Only move the target if the cut target doesn't exist and if the newPath
# is not within the initial path
unless fs.existsSync(newPath) or newPath.startsWith(initialPath)
# Only move the target if the cut target doesn't exist
unless fs.existsSync(newPath)
@emitter.emit 'will-move-entry', {initialPath, newPath}
fs.moveSync(initialPath, newPath)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -858,6 +866,13 @@ class TreeView
if initialPath is newDirectoryPath

realNewDirectoryPath = fs.realpathSync(newDirectoryPath) + path.sep
realInitialPath = fs.realpathSync(initialPath) + path.sep
if fs.isDirectorySync(initialPath) and realNewDirectoryPath.startsWith(realInitialPath)
unless fs.isSymbolicLinkSync(initialPath)
atom.notifications.addWarning('Cannot move a folder into itself')

entryName = path.basename(initialPath)
newPath = path.join(newDirectoryPath, entryName)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1105,11 +1120,13 @@ class TreeView
return if initialPaths.includes(newDirectoryPath)

entry.classList.remove('drag-over', 'selected')
parentSelected = entry.parentNode.closest('.entry.selected')
return if parentSelected

# iterate backwards so files in a dir are moved before the dir itself
for initialPath in initialPaths by -1
# Note: this is necessary on Windows to circumvent node-pathwatcher
# holding a lock on expanded folders and preventing them from
# being moved or deleted
# TODO: This can be removed when tree-view is switched to @atom/watcher
@moveEntry(initialPath, newDirectoryPath)
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163 changes: 134 additions & 29 deletions spec/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1539,43 +1539,69 @@ describe "TreeView", ->

beforeEach ->

describe "when attempting to paste a directory into itself", ->
describe "when copied", ->
beforeEach ->
LocalStorage['tree-view:copyPath'] = JSON.stringify([dirPath])

it "makes a copy inside itself", ->
for operation in ['copy', 'cut']
describe "when attempting to #{operation} and paste a directory into itself", ->
it "shows a warning notification and does not paste", ->
# /dir-1/ -> /dir-1/
LocalStorage["tree-view:#{operation}Path"] = JSON.stringify([dirPath])
newPath = path.join(dirPath, path.basename(dirPath))
dirView.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent('click', {bubbles: true, detail: 1}))
expect(-> atom.commands.dispatch(treeView.element, "tree-view:paste")).not.toThrow()

it "dispatches an event to the tree-view", ->
newPath = path.join(dirPath, path.basename(dirPath))
callback = jasmine.createSpy("onEntryCopied")
atom.commands.dispatch(treeView.element, "tree-view:paste")
expect(callback).toHaveBeenCalledWith(initialPath: dirPath, newPath: newPath)
expect(fs.existsSync(newPath)).toBe false
expect(atom.notifications.getNotifications()[0].getMessage()).toContain 'Cannot paste a folder into itself'

describe "when attempting to #{operation} and paste a directory into a nested child directory", ->
it "shows a warning notification and does not paste", ->
nestedPath = path.join(dirPath, 'nested')

# /dir-1/ -> /dir-1/nested/
LocalStorage["tree-view:#{operation}Path"] = JSON.stringify([dirPath])
newPath = path.join(nestedPath, path.basename(dirPath))
nestedView = dirView.querySelector('.directory')
nestedView.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent('click', {bubbles: true, detail: 1}))
expect(-> atom.commands.dispatch(treeView.element, "tree-view:paste")).not.toThrow()
expect(fs.existsSync(newPath)).toBe false
expect(atom.notifications.getNotifications()[0].getMessage()).toContain 'Cannot paste a folder into itself'

describe "when attempting to #{operation} and paste a directory into a sibling directory that starts with the same letter", ->
it "allows the paste to occur", ->
# /dir-1/ -> /dir-2/
LocalStorage["tree-view:#{operation}Path"] = JSON.stringify([dirPath])
newPath = path.join(dirPath2, path.basename(dirPath))
dirView2.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent('click', {bubbles: true, detail: 1}))
expect(-> atom.commands.dispatch(treeView.element, "tree-view:paste")).not.toThrow()
expect(fs.existsSync(newPath)).toBe true

it 'does not keep copying recursively', ->
LocalStorage['tree-view:copyPath'] = JSON.stringify([dirPath])
dirView.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent('click', {bubbles: true, detail: 1}))
describe "when attempting to #{operation} and paste a directory into a symlink of itself", ->
it "shows a warning notification and does not paste", ->
fs.symlinkSync(dirPath, path.join(rootDirPath, 'symdir'), 'junction')

# /dir-1/ -> symlink of /dir-1/
LocalStorage["tree-view:#{operation}Path"] = JSON.stringify([dirPath])
newPath = path.join(dirPath, path.basename(dirPath))
symlinkView = root1.querySelector('.directory')
symlinkView.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent('click', {bubbles: true, detail: 1}))
expect(-> atom.commands.dispatch(treeView.element, "tree-view:paste")).not.toThrow()
expect(fs.existsSync(path.join(newPath, path.basename(dirPath)))).toBeFalsy()
expect(fs.existsSync(newPath)).toBe false
expect(atom.notifications.getNotifications()[0].getMessage()).toContain 'Cannot paste a folder into itself'

describe "when cut", ->
it "does nothing", ->
LocalStorage['tree-view:cutPath'] = JSON.stringify([dirPath])
dirView.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent('click', {bubbles: true, detail: 1}))
describe "when attempting to #{operation} and paste a symlink into its target directory", ->
it "allows the paste to occur", ->
symlinkedPath = path.join(rootDirPath, 'symdir')
fs.symlinkSync(dirPath, symlinkedPath, 'junction')

expect(fs.existsSync(path.join(dirPath, path.basename(dirPath)))).toBeFalsy()
# symlink of /dir-1/ -> /dir-1/
LocalStorage["tree-view:#{operation}Path"] = JSON.stringify([symlinkedPath])
newPath = path.join(dirPath, path.basename(symlinkedPath))
dirView.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent('click', {bubbles: true, detail: 1}))
expect(-> atom.commands.dispatch(treeView.element, "tree-view:paste")).not.toThrow()
expect(fs.existsSync(newPath)).toBe true

describe "when pasting entries which don't exist anymore", ->
it "skips the entry which doesn't exist", ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3665,7 +3691,7 @@ describe "TreeView", ->
entries: new Map())

describe "Dragging and dropping files", ->
[alphaDirPath, betaFilePath, etaDirPath, gammaDirPath, deltaFilePath, epsilonFilePath, thetaFilePath] = []
[alphaDirPath, alphaFilePath, betaFilePath, etaDirPath, gammaDirPath, deltaFilePath, epsilonFilePath, thetaFilePath] = []

beforeEach ->
rootDirPath = fs.absolute(temp.mkdirSync('tree-view'))
Expand All @@ -3683,6 +3709,10 @@ describe "TreeView", ->
thetaDirPath = path.join(gammaDirPath, "theta")
thetaFilePath = path.join(thetaDirPath, "theta.txt")

alpha2DirPath = path.join(rootDirPath, "alpha2")

symlinkToAlphaDirPath = path.join(rootDirPath, "symalpha")

fs.writeFileSync(alphaFilePath, "doesn't matter")
fs.writeFileSync(zetaFilePath, "doesn't matter")

Expand All @@ -3696,7 +3726,12 @@ describe "TreeView", ->
fs.writeFileSync(thetaFilePath, "doesn't matter")


fs.symlinkSync(alphaDirPath, symlinkToAlphaDirPath, 'junction')


describe "when dragging a FileView onto a DirectoryView's header", ->
it "should add the selected class to the DirectoryView", ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3884,7 +3919,7 @@ describe "TreeView", ->
describe "when dropping a DirectoryView and FileViews onto a DirectoryView's header", ->
it "should move the files and directory to the hovered directory", ->
# Dragging alpha.txt and alphaDir into thetaDir
alphaFile = treeView.roots[0].entries.children[2]
alphaFile = Array.from(treeView.roots[0].entries.children).find (element) -> element.getPath() is alphaFilePath
alphaDir = findDirectoryContainingText(treeView.roots[0], 'alpha')

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3976,6 +4011,76 @@ describe "TreeView", ->
expect(editors[0].getPath()).toBe thetaFilePath.replace('gamma', 'alpha')
expect(editors[1].getPath()).toBe thetaFilePath2

it "shows a warning notification and does not move the directory if it would result in recursive copying", ->
# Dragging alphaDir onto etaDir, which is a child of alphaDir's
alphaDir = findDirectoryContainingText(treeView.roots[0], 'alpha')

etaDir = alphaDir.entries.children[0]

[dragStartEvent, dragEnterEvent, dropEvent] =
eventHelpers.buildInternalDragEvents([alphaDir], etaDir.querySelector('.header'), etaDir, treeView)
expect(etaDir.children.length).toBe 2
expect(etaDir.querySelector('.entries').children.length).toBe 0

expect(atom.notifications.getNotifications()[0].getMessage()).toContain 'Cannot move a folder into itself'

it "shows a warning notification and does not move the directory if it would result in recursive copying (symlink)", ->
# Dragging alphaDir onto symalpha, which is a symlink to alphaDir
alphaDir = findDirectoryContainingText(treeView.roots[0], 'alpha')

symlinkDir = treeView.roots[0].entries.children[3]

[dragStartEvent, dragEnterEvent, dropEvent] =
eventHelpers.buildInternalDragEvents([alphaDir], symlinkDir.querySelector('.header'), symlinkDir, treeView)
expect(symlinkDir.children.length).toBe 2
expect(symlinkDir.querySelector('.entries').children.length).toBe 2

expect(atom.notifications.getNotifications()[0].getMessage()).toContain 'Cannot move a folder into itself'

it "moves successfully when dragging a directory onto a sibling directory that starts with the same letter", ->
# Dragging alpha onto alpha2, which is a sibling of alpha's
alphaDir = findDirectoryContainingText(treeView.roots[0], 'alpha')

alpha2Dir = findDirectoryContainingText(treeView.roots[0], 'alpha2')
[dragStartEvent, dragEnterEvent, dropEvent] =
eventHelpers.buildInternalDragEvents([alphaDir], alpha2Dir.querySelector('.header'), alpha2Dir, treeView)
expect(alpha2Dir.children.length).toBe 2
expect(alpha2Dir.querySelector('.entries').children.length).toBe 1


it "moves successfully when dragging a symlink into its target directory", ->
# Dragging alphaDir onto symalpha, which is a symlink to alphaDir
alphaDir = findDirectoryContainingText(treeView.roots[0], 'alpha')

symlinkDir = treeView.roots[0].entries.children[3]

[dragStartEvent, dragEnterEvent, dropEvent] =
eventHelpers.buildInternalDragEvents([symlinkDir], alphaDir.querySelector('.header'), alphaDir, treeView)
expect(alphaDir.children.length).toBe 2
expect(alphaDir.querySelector('.entries').children.length).toBe 3


describe "when dropping a DirectoryView and FileViews onto the same DirectoryView's header", ->
it "should not move the files and directory to the hovered directory", ->
# Dragging alpha.txt and alphaDir into alphaDir
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