Lazy Subscription allows you to subscribe to collection when you need it. It is an easy way to write big application that need to load a lot of collection over an amount of pages.
mrt add lazy-subscription
First you must define the collection to be independence of server and client side.
//This is no longer share with the client.
Post = new Meteor.Collection('post');
Meteor.publish('posts', function() {
//Just a normal publish function.
return Post.find({});
//Post = new Meteor.Collection('post'); No longer exists. Lazy will deal with it for us.
Post = new Meteor.Lazy('post', function() {
Template.some_template.get_posts = function() {
return Post().find({}); //Note that Post is now a function.
This should be use in reactive context or else on the first run you will get an empty collection.