Provides common types and extensions for asv-based libraries
The SingleThreadTaskScheduler class is a custom implementation of TaskScheduler that schedules and executes tasks on a single thread. This means that all tasks scheduled to this scheduler will be executed sequentially on a single thread, rather than being distributed across multiple threads.
The purpose of the LockByKeyExecutor class is to ensure that only one asynchronous operation can execute at a time for a given key.
The RxValue class is a generic class that represents a reactive value that can be observed for changes. The class provides an observable interface through which subscribers can be notified of changes to the value.
The implementation uses the Marsaglia polar method, which generates normally distributed random variables by taking two independent random variables u and v uniformly distributed on the interval [-1,1) and transforming them into two independent random variables with a standard normal distribution.
This class represents a piecewise linear function that can be defined by a set of points.
Represents a bit array
This code implements a depth-first search algorithm to sort a directed acyclic graph represented as a dictionary of node keys and their corresponding array of adjacent nodes.
The GeoPoint struct represents a geographic point on the earth's surface in terms of its latitude, longitude, and altitude. The Latitude property represents the north-south position of the point, the Longitude property represents the east-west position, and the Altitude property represents the height above sea level.
Provides methods for parsing, validating, and printing latitude and longitude values
Provides base input and output (I/O) port abstractions (TCP client\server, serial, udp) and binary serialization helpers