RestService demo
required Mysql eclipse jdk 1.7 tomcat 7 helpful postman
Running & setup
clone repository import it in eclipse import sql file in sqlyog or other tools located at the root srd.sql change username and password in WEB-INF/applicationContext.xml run the project on tomcat use postman or other tools for the app
To run unit test localy use junit or maven plugin on build push travis ci automaticly tests the repo and depolys it on heruko in case failure travis sends an email.
Work Flow And Apis
/ instructions when project is started in eclipse a pop up will appear which states download json object, you can cancel it. it contains a list of api endpoints of the system in json format note: when using browser or postman their will be no popup it will display json properly
Imports Users From Github. Saves Or Updates Data In Mysql From Users,repositories And Languages Of Repositories
fetches All Users From User Table
fetches Repositories Based On User Id
fetches Languages Of Repository Which Belonged To A Particular User show Languages Used And Percentage Of Contribution In The Particular Repository
shows Languages Used And Percentage Of Contribution In All The Repositories