The IObundle UART is a RISC-V-based Peripheral written in Verilog, which users can download for free, modify, simulate and implement in FPGA or ASIC. It is written in Verilog and includes a C software driver. The IObundle UART is a very compact IP that works at high clock rates if needed. It supports full-duplex operation and a configurable baud rate. The IObundle UART has a fixed configuration for the Start and Stop bits. More flexible licensable commercial versions are available upon request.
Install the latest stable version of the open-source Verilog simulator Icarus Verilog.
To simulate type:
make [sim]
To clean the simulation generated files:
make sim-clean
Install the FPGA design tools of your favority vendor. Create an FPGA build folder below folder hardware/simulation//; use the existing compiler and FPGA family folders as a reference.
Make sure the environmental variables for the tools and licenses you use are are defined. For example:
export ALTERAPATH=/path/to/intel/fpga/tools
export XILINXPATH=/path/to/xilinx/fpga/tools
export LM_LICENSE_FILE=port@host:lic_or_dat_file
To generate an FPGA neltlist for the UART core type:
make fpga-build [FPGA_FAMILY=<fpga family>]
where is the FPGA family's folder name
To generate all FPGA families for the UART core type:
make fpga-build-all [FPGA_FAMILY_LIST="<fpga family directory name list>"]
If you have the FPGA tools installed on another machine you can run FPGA compilation remotely by setting the following environment variables:
export VIVADO_SERVER=<full host name including domain or IP address>
export VIVADO_USER=<your user name at the host>
export QUARTUS_SERVER=<full host name including domain or IP address>
export QUARTUS_USER=<your user name at the host>
To clean the FPGA compilation generated files on the local or remote host type:
make fpga-clean
To generate the documentation for the IP core type:
make doc-build [DOC=<doc type name>]
Currently you can generate two document types: the Product Brief (DOC=pb) or the User Guide (DOC=ug). To create a new document type get inspired by the Makefiles in the document type directories document/pb and document/ug. Data from the FPGA compile tools is imported automatically into the docs.
To generate all documents for the IP core type:
make doc-build-all [DOC_LIST="<document directory name list>"]
To clean the documentation generated files type:
make doc-clean [DOC=<doc type name>]
To clean the documentation generated files for all document types, the command is
make doc-clean-all
To run a series of simulation tests on the simulator selected by the SIMULATOR variable, type:
make sim-test [SIMULATOR=<simulator directory>]
The above command produces a test log file called test.log
in the simulator's
directory. The test.log
file is compared with the test.expected
file, which
resides in the same directory; if they differ, the test fails; otherwise, it
To run the series of simulation tests on all the simulators listed in the SIMOLATOR_LIST variable, type:
make test-sim [SIMOLATOR_LIST="<simulator directory list>"]
where <simulator directory list>
is the list of sub-directories in directory
, which correspond to simulator names.
To clean the files produced when testing all simulators, type:
make test-sim-clean
To compile and run a series of FPGA family tests on the FPGA family selected by the FPGA_FAMILY variable, type:
make fpga-test [FPGA_FAMILY=<fpga family directory name>]
The above command produces a test log file called test.log
in the FPGA family's
directory. The test.log
file is compared with the test.expected
file, which
resides in the same directory; if they differ, the test fails; otherwise, it
To run the series of FPGA family tests on all the FPGA families listed in the FPGA_FAMILY_LIST variable, type:
make test-fpga [FPGA_FAMILY_LIST="<fpga family directory name list>"]
To clean the files produced when testing all FPGA families, type:
make test-fpga-clean
To compile and test the document selected by the DOC, variable, type:
make doc-test [DOC=<document directory name>]
The resulting Latex .aux file is compared with a known-good .aux file. If the match the test passes; otherwise it fails.
To test all documents listed in the DOC_LIST variable, type:
make test-doc [DOC_LIST="<document directory name list>"]
To clean the files produced when testing all documents, type:
make test-doc-clean
To run all simulation, FPGA family and documentation tests, type:
make test
- Check out IOb-SoC
To clean all generated files, the command is simply
make clean-all