The Model Understanding Tool Box (MUTB) aims at facilitating the understanding of typically large, complex models discovered from existing applications. Model understanding is considered to be a goal-oriented task while the information base to support this task is dedicated to model discovery. The MUTB relies on four main techniques: (i) Tagging of Models, (ii) Querying of Models, (iii) Slicing of Models, and (iv) Views on Models.
- Tagging of Models. Tagging is considered as a lightweight technique to facilitate model understanding by adding supplementary information to the original model.
- Querying of Models. Querying-based model exploration techniques and their implementations compatible with the baseline of Eclipse Modeling framework are explored. These common querying techniques have been applied to the detection of model elements for different kinds of application development technologies (e.g., RCP and Sharepoint) and at different levels of abstraction (PSM, PIM).
- Slicing of Models. The purpose of model slicing is basically to generate a sub model from a base model to reduce the complexity of the base by withdrawing model elements that are considered as not relevant for a certain task or scenario.
- Views on Models. Techniques that enable the detection of structural components, their boundaries and relationships, detecting common technological patterns in the input models, using querying-base model exploration techniques described above are explored. These approaches have been specialized to the detection of J2EE, RCP and .NET components. Support to visualize the data flow and control flow of applications in the large, i.e., between the complete set of UML diagrams currently used to describe applications, is provided.
Integration of the components into a coherent tool box.
The corresponding Deliverable D8.3.2 serves as documentation of the current version of the components
The corresponding Deliverable D8.3.2 provides installation instructions of the included components
This software is a research prototype.
All code of the Model Cloudification Framework is published under the EPL v1.0 license.