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artie2000 committed Dec 18, 2024
1 parent 3f4a9a8 commit 31b5600
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Showing 4 changed files with 104 additions and 101 deletions.
13 changes: 9 additions & 4 deletions RealClosedField/Mathlib/Algebra/Order/Ring/Cone.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -101,17 +101,22 @@ instance RingConeClass.instRingConeClass_of_isMaxCone {S R : Type*}
eq_zero_of_mem_of_neg_mem := eq_zero_of_mem_of_neg_mem (S := S)

open Classical in
/-- A maximal cone over a commutative ring `R` is an ordering on `R`. -/
instance RingConeClass.instRingOrderingClass_of_isMaxCone {S R : Type*} [Nontrivial R]
instance RingConeClass.instRingPreorderingClass_of_isMaxCone {S R : Type*} [Nontrivial R]
[CommRing R] [SetLike S R] [RingConeClass S R] :
RingOrderingClass {x : S // IsMaxCone x} (R := R) where
RingPreorderingClass {x : S // IsMaxCone x} (R := R) where
__ := RingConeClass.toSubsemiringClass
square_mem P x := by
cases @mem_or_neg_mem S _ _ _ _ P.2 x with
| inl hx => aesop
| inr hnx => have : -x * -x ∈ P := by aesop (config := { enableSimp := false })
minus_one_not_mem P h := one_ne_zero <| eq_zero_of_mem_of_neg_mem (one_mem ↑P) h
mem_or_neg_mem P x := @mem_or_neg_mem S _ _ _ _ P.2 x

open Classical in
/-- A maximal cone over a commutative ring `R` is an ordering on `R`. -/
instance RingConeClass.instIsOrdering_of_isMaxCone {S R : Type*} [Nontrivial R]
[CommRing R] [SetLike S R] [RingConeClass S R] (C : {x : S // IsMaxCone x}) :
RingPreordering.IsOrdering C where
mem_or_neg_mem' x := @mem_or_neg_mem S _ _ _ _ C.2 x

/- TODO : decide whether to keep this cursed subtype instance, or whether to change to a def. -/
89 changes: 38 additions & 51 deletions RealClosedField/RealClosedField/RingOrdering/Adjoin.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ Authors: Florent Schaffhauser, Artie Khovanov
import RealClosedField.RealClosedField.RingOrdering.Basic

import Mathlib.Order.Zorn
import Mathlib.Tactic.Polyrith

## Adjoining an element to a preordering
Expand All @@ -21,13 +20,11 @@ def ringPreordering_adjoin : Subsemiring R where
carrier := {z : R | ∃ x ∈ P, ∃ y ∈ P, z = x + a * y}
zero_mem' := ⟨0, by aesop, 0, by aesop, by simp⟩
one_mem' := ⟨1, by aesop, 0, by aesop, by simp⟩
add_mem' := by
intro a b ha hb
add_mem' := fun ha hb => by
obtain ⟨x₁, hx₁, y₁, hy₁, rfl⟩ := ha
obtain ⟨x₂, hx₂, y₂, hy₂, rfl⟩ := hb
exact ⟨x₁ + x₂, by aesop, y₁ + y₂, by aesop, by ring⟩
mul_mem' := by
intro a b ha hb
mul_mem' := fun ha hb => by
obtain ⟨x₁, hx₁, y₁, hy₁, rfl⟩ := ha
obtain ⟨x₂, hx₂, y₂, hy₂, rfl⟩ := hb
exact ⟨x₁ * x₂ + (a * a) * (y₁ * y₂), by aesop, x₁ * y₂ + y₁ * x₂, by aesop, by ring⟩
Expand All @@ -46,13 +43,8 @@ lemma square_mem_ringPreordering_adjoin (x : R) : x * x ∈ ringPreordering_adjo
by simpa using subset_ringPreordering_adjoin a (by aesop)

theorem closure_insert_eq_ringPreordering_adjoin :
closure (insert a P) = ringPreordering_adjoin P a := by
refine closure_eq_of_le (fun x hx => ?_)
(fun _ hz => ?_)
· rcases hx with ⟨_, _⟩ | h
· exact mem_ringPreordering_adjoin P a
· exact subset_ringPreordering_adjoin a h
· obtain ⟨_, _, _, _, rfl⟩ := hz; aesop
closure (insert a P) = ringPreordering_adjoin P a :=
closure_eq_of_le (fun _ => by aesop) (fun _ ⟨_, _, _, _, _⟩ => by aesop)

end Subsemiring

Expand All @@ -67,18 +59,17 @@ def adjoin (h : -1 ∉ Subsemiring.ringPreordering_adjoin P a) :

variable {P a} in
@[aesop unsafe 70% apply (rule_sets := [SetLike])]
lemma subset_adjoin' (h : -1 ∉ Subsemiring.ringPreordering_adjoin P a)
{x : R} (hx : x ∈ P) : x ∈ adjoin h :=
Subsemiring.subset_ringPreordering_adjoin a hx
lemma subset_adjoin' (h : -1 ∉ Subsemiring.ringPreordering_adjoin P a) {x : R} (hx : x ∈ P) :
x ∈ adjoin h := Subsemiring.subset_ringPreordering_adjoin a hx

variable {P a} in
lemma subset_adjoin (h : -1 ∉ Subsemiring.ringPreordering_adjoin P a) :
(P : Set R) ⊆ adjoin h := fun _ => by aesop
lemma subset_adjoin (h : -1 ∉ Subsemiring.ringPreordering_adjoin P a) : (P : Set R) ⊆ adjoin h :=
fun _ => by aesop

variable {P a} in
@[aesop safe 0 apply (rule_sets := [SetLike])]
lemma mem_adjoin (h : -1 ∉ Subsemiring.ringPreordering_adjoin P a) :
a ∈ adjoin h := Subsemiring.mem_ringPreordering_adjoin P a
lemma mem_adjoin (h : -1 ∉ Subsemiring.ringPreordering_adjoin P a) : a ∈ adjoin h :=
Subsemiring.mem_ringPreordering_adjoin P a

## Sufficient conditions for adjoining an element
Expand All @@ -89,40 +80,33 @@ theorem minus_one_not_mem_or {x y : R} (h : - (x * y) ∈ P) :
-1 ∉ Subsemiring.ringPreordering_adjoin P x ∨ -1 ∉ Subsemiring.ringPreordering_adjoin P y := by
apply minus_one_not_mem P
have hx : -1 ∈ Subsemiring.ringPreordering_adjoin P x := by aesop
have hy : -1 ∈ Subsemiring.ringPreordering_adjoin P y := by aesop
rcases hx with ⟨s₁, hs₁, s₂, hs₂, eqx⟩
rcases hy with ⟨t₁, ht₁, t₂, ht₂, eqy⟩
rw [(by linear_combination (t₁ + 1) * eqx - 1 * x * s₂ * eqy :
-1 = (-(x * y)) * s₂ * t₂ + s₁ + t₁ + (s₁ * t₁))]
have ⟨s₁, hs₁, s₂, hs₂, eqx⟩ : -1 ∈ Subsemiring.ringPreordering_adjoin P x := by aesop
have ⟨t₁, ht₁, t₂, ht₂, eqy⟩ : -1 ∈ Subsemiring.ringPreordering_adjoin P y := by aesop
rw [show -1 = (-(x * y)) * s₂ * t₂ + s₁ + t₁ + (s₁ * t₁) by
linear_combination (t₁ + 1) * eqx - 1 * x * s₂ * eqy]
aesop (config := { enableSimp := false })

theorem minus_one_not_mem_or' :
-1 ∉ Subsemiring.ringPreordering_adjoin P a ∨ -1 ∉ Subsemiring.ringPreordering_adjoin P (-a)
:= RingPreordering.minus_one_not_mem_or (by aesop : - (a * (-a)) ∈ P)
-1 ∉ Subsemiring.ringPreordering_adjoin P a ∨ -1 ∉ Subsemiring.ringPreordering_adjoin P (-a) :=
RingPreordering.minus_one_not_mem_or (by aesop : - (a * (-a)) ∈ P)

theorem minus_one_not_mem_ringPreordering_adjoin
(h : ∀ x y, x ∈ P → y ∈ P → x + (1 + y) * a + 10) :
-1 ∉ Subsemiring.ringPreordering_adjoin P a := fun contr => by
have : -1 * (1 + a) ∈ Subsemiring.ringPreordering_adjoin P a :=
have ⟨x, hx, y, hy, eqn⟩ : -1 * (1 + a) ∈ Subsemiring.ringPreordering_adjoin P a :=
by aesop (config := { enableSimp := false })
obtain ⟨x, hx, y, hy, eqn⟩ := this
exact h _ _ hx hy (by linear_combination -(1 * eqn) : x + (1 + y) * a + 1 = 0)
exact h _ _ hx hy (show x + (1 + y) * a + 1 = 0 by linear_combination -(1 * eqn))

If `F` is a field, `P` is a preordering on `F`, and `a` is an element of `P` such that `-a ∉ P`,
then `-1` is not of the form `x + a * y` with `x` and `y` in `P`.
theorem minus_one_not_mem_adjoin_linear
{S F : Type*} [Field F] [SetLike S F] [RingPreorderingClass S F] {P : S} {a : F}
(ha : -a ∉ P) : -1 ∉ Subsemiring.ringPreordering_adjoin P a := fun h => by
rcases h with ⟨x, hx, y, hy, eqn⟩
apply ha
(ha : -a ∉ P) : -1 ∉ Subsemiring.ringPreordering_adjoin P a := fun ⟨x, hx, y, hy, eqn⟩ =>
ha <| by
have : y ≠ 0 := fun _ => by simpa [*] using minus_one_not_mem P
rw [show -a = x * y⁻¹ + y⁻¹ by
rw [ eqn]
rw [show -a = x * y⁻¹ + y⁻¹ by field_simp; linear_combination eqn]

Expand All @@ -141,22 +125,25 @@ theorem exists_lt (hp : a ∉ P) (hn : -a ∉ P) :
· exact ⟨Q, lt_of_le_of_ne le <| Ne.symm (ne_of_mem_of_not_mem' p_mem hp)⟩
· exact ⟨Q, lt_of_le_of_ne le <| Ne.symm (ne_of_mem_of_not_mem' n_mem hn)⟩

variable {P} in
/- A preordering on `R` that is maximal with respect to inclusion is a prime ordering. -/
theorem isPrimeOrdering_of_maximal
(max : Maximal Set.univ (RingPreorderingClass.toRingPreordering P)) :
IsPrimeOrdering P := isPrimeOrdering_iff.mpr (fun a b h => by
theorem isPrimeOrdering_of_maximal {O : RingPreordering R} (max : IsMax O) :
IsPrimeOrdering O := isPrimeOrdering_iff.mpr (fun a b h => by
cases RingPreordering.minus_one_not_mem_or h with
| inl h => exact Or.inl <| Maximal.le_of_ge max trivial (subset_adjoin h) (mem_adjoin h)
| inr h => exact Or.inr <| Maximal.le_of_ge max trivial (subset_adjoin h) (mem_adjoin h))
| inl h => exact Or.inl <| max (subset_adjoin h) (mem_adjoin h)
| inr h => exact Or.inr <| max (subset_adjoin h) (mem_adjoin h))

/- Every preordering on `R` extends to a prime ordering. -/
theorem exists_le_isPrimeOrdering :
∃ Q : RingPreordering R, (P : Set R) ⊆ Q ∧ IsPrimeOrdering Q := by
suffices ∃ Q, RingPreorderingClass.toRingPreordering P ≤ Q ∧ Maximal (fun x => x ∈ Set.univ) Q by
obtain ⟨Q, hQ⟩ := this
exact ⟨Q, by aesop, isPrimeOrdering_of_maximal hQ.2
apply zorn_le_nonempty₀
· intro c _ hc P' hP'
simp_all [← bddAbove_def, nonempty_chain_bddAbove c hc (Set.nonempty_of_mem hP')]
· trivial
∃ O : RingPreordering R, (P : Set R) ⊆ O ∧ IsPrimeOrdering O := by
have ⟨O, le, hO⟩ : ∃ O, RingPreorderingClass.toRingPreordering P ≤ O ∧ IsMax O := by
refine zorn_le_nonempty_Ici₀ _ (fun _ _ hc _ hQ => ?_) _ (by trivial)
simp_all [← bddAbove_def, nonempty_chain_bddAbove _ hc (Set.nonempty_of_mem hQ)]
exact ⟨O, by aesop, isPrimeOrdering_of_maximal hO⟩

/- A prime ordering on `R` is maximal among preorderings iff it is maximal among prime orderings. -/
theorem maximal_isPrimeOrdering_iff_maximal {O : RingPreordering R} [IsPrimeOrdering O] :
IsMax O ↔ Maximal IsPrimeOrdering O := by
refine Iff.intro (fun h => ?_) (fun hO P le₁ => ?_)
· exact Maximal.mono (by simpa using h) (fun _ _ => trivial) (inferInstance)
· rcases exists_le_isPrimeOrdering P with ⟨Q, le₂, hQ⟩
aesop (add safe forward le_trans, safe forward Maximal.eq_of_ge)
78 changes: 39 additions & 39 deletions RealClosedField/RealClosedField/RingOrdering/Basic.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ import Mathlib.Tactic.Ring
import Mathlib.Algebra.CharP.Defs
import Mathlib.RingTheory.Ideal.Basic
import Mathlib.Tactic.FieldSimp
import Mathlib.Tactic.Polyrith

## Definitions
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -83,13 +84,13 @@ lemma neg_mul_mem_of_neg_mem {x y : R} (hx : -x ∈ P) (hy : y ∈ P) : -(x * y)

@[aesop safe apply (rule_sets := [SetLike])]
theorem inv_mem {a : Rˣ} (ha : ↑a ∈ P) : ↑a⁻¹ ∈ P := by
rw [(by simp : (↑a⁻¹ : R) = a * (a⁻¹ * a⁻¹))]
rw [show (↑a⁻¹ : R) = a * (a⁻¹ * a⁻¹) by simp]
aesop (config := { enableSimp := false })

@[aesop safe apply (rule_sets := [SetLike])]
theorem Field.inv_mem {S F : Type*} [Field F] [SetLike S F] [RingPreorderingClass S F]
{P : S} {a : F} (ha : a ∈ P) : a⁻¹ ∈ P := by
rw [(by field_simp : a⁻¹ = a * (a⁻¹ * a⁻¹))]
rw [show a⁻¹ = a * (a⁻¹ * a⁻¹) by field_simp]

/- Construct a preordering from a minimal set of axioms. -/
Expand All @@ -108,21 +109,17 @@ def mk' {R : Type*} [CommRing R] (P : Set R)
one_mem' := by simpa using sq 1

theorem nonempty_chain_bddAbove {R : Type*} [CommRing R]
(c : Set (RingPreordering R)) (hcc : IsChain (· ≤ ·) c) (hc : c.Nonempty) : BddAbove c := by
rw [bddAbove_def]
let Q := mk (sSup (toSubsemiring '' c))
(c : Set (RingPreordering R)) (hcc : IsChain (· ≤ ·) c) (hc : c.Nonempty) : BddAbove c :=
⟨mk (sSup (toSubsemiring '' c))
(fun x => CompleteLattice.le_sSup _ hc.some.toSubsemiring (by aesop (add hc.some_mem safe))
(by simpa using (hc.some.square_mem' x)))
have a : ∀ x ∈ (toSubsemiring '' c), -1 ∉ x := fun P' hP' => by
obtain ⟨P, _, rfl⟩ := (by aesop : ∃ x ∈ c, x.toSubsemiring = P')
simpa using P.minus_one_not_mem'
aesop (add (Subsemiring.coe_sSup_of_directedOn (by simp [hc])
(IsChain.directedOn (IsChain.image _ _ _ (by aesop) hcc))) norm))
refine ⟨Q, fun P _ => ?_⟩
have : P.toSubsemiring ≤ Q.toSubsemiring :=
CompleteLattice.le_sSup (toSubsemiring '' c) _ (by aesop)
simp_all [Subsemiring.coe_sSup_of_directedOn (by simp [hc])
(IsChain.directedOn (IsChain.image _ _ _ (by aesop) hcc))]),
fun _ _ => by simpa using CompleteLattice.le_sSup (toSubsemiring '' c) _ (by aesop)⟩

end RingPreordering

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -152,24 +149,33 @@ namespace RingPreordering

variable (P) in
class HasIdealSupport : Prop where
smul_mem_support (x : R) {a : R} (ha : a ∈ AddSubgroup.preordering_support P) :
smul_mem_support' (x : R) {a : R} (ha : a ∈ AddSubgroup.preordering_support P) :
x * a ∈ AddSubgroup.preordering_support P

theorem HasIdealSupport.smul_mem [RingPreordering.HasIdealSupport P]
namespace HasIdealSupport

variable (P) in
/-- Technical lemma to get P as explicit argument -/
lemma smul_mem_support [RingPreordering.HasIdealSupport P] :
∀ (x : R) {a : R}, a ∈ AddSubgroup.preordering_support P →
x * a ∈ AddSubgroup.preordering_support P :=
HasIdealSupport.smul_mem_support' (P := P)

theorem smul_mem [RingPreordering.HasIdealSupport P]
(x : R) {a : R} (h₁a : a ∈ P) (h₂a : -a ∈ P) : x * a ∈ P := by
have := RingPreordering.HasIdealSupport.smul_mem_support (P := P)
have := smul_mem_support P

theorem HasIdealSupport.neg_smul_mem [RingPreordering.HasIdealSupport P]
theorem neg_smul_mem [RingPreordering.HasIdealSupport P]
(x : R) {a : R} (h₁a : a ∈ P) (h₂a : -a ∈ P) : -(x * a) ∈ P := by
have := RingPreordering.HasIdealSupport.smul_mem_support (P := P)
have := smul_mem_support P

theorem HasIdealSupport.hasIdealSupport
theorem hasIdealSupport
(h : ∀ x a : R, a ∈ P → -a ∈ P → x * a ∈ P ∧ -(x * a) ∈ P) : HasIdealSupport P where
smul_mem_support := by simp_all
smul_mem_support' := by simp_all

end RingPreordering
end RingPreordering.HasIdealSupport

namespace Ideal

Expand All @@ -182,7 +188,7 @@ the set of elements `x` in `R` such that both `x` and `-x` lie in `P`.
def preordering_support : Ideal R where
__ := AddSubgroup.preordering_support P
smul_mem' := by simpa using RingPreordering.HasIdealSupport.smul_mem_support (P := P)
smul_mem' := by simpa using RingPreordering.HasIdealSupport.smul_mem_support P

@[simp] lemma mem_support : x ∈ preordering_support P ↔ x ∈ P ∧ -x ∈ P := Iff.rfl
@[simp, norm_cast] lemma coe_support : preordering_support P = {x : R | x ∈ P ∧ -x ∈ P} := rfl
Expand All @@ -196,9 +202,7 @@ theorem RingPreordering.hasIdealSupport_of_isUnit_2 (isUnit_2 : IsUnit (2 : R))
let y := (1 + x) * half
let z := (1 - x) * half
have mem : (y * y) * a + (z * z) * (-a) ∈ P ∧ (y * y) * (-a) + (z * z) * a ∈ P := by aesop
have : x = x * (half * (half * 2) * 2) := by simp [h2]
have : x = y * y - z * z := by simp only [y, z]; ring_nf at this ⊢; assumption
rw [this]
rw [show x = y * y - z * z by linear_combination (-(2 * x * half) - 1 * x) * h2]
ring_nf at mem ⊢

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -233,12 +237,10 @@ lemma mem_of_not_neg_mem (x : R) (h : -x ∉ P) : x ∈ P := by

instance hasIdealSupport : HasIdealSupport P where
smul_mem_support x a ha := by
cases mem_or_neg_mem (P := P) x with
smul_mem_support' x a ha := by
cases mem_or_neg_mem P x with
| inl => aesop
| inr hx =>
rw [AddSubgroup.mem_support] at *
exact ⟨by simpa using mul_mem hx ha.2, by simpa using mul_mem hx ha.1
| inr hx => simpa using ⟨by simpa using mul_mem hx ha.2, by simpa using mul_mem hx ha.1

end IsOrdering

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -271,16 +273,14 @@ theorem isPrimeOrdering_iff :
have : a ∈ Ideal.preordering_support P ∨ b ∈ Ideal.preordering_support P :=
Ideal.IsPrime.mem_or_mem inferInstance (by simp_all)
· constructor
· aesop
· intro x y hxy
by_contra h₂
cases (by aesop : x ∈ P ∨ -x ∈ P) with
| inl => have := h (-x) y (by aesop)
have := h (-x) (-y) (by aesop)
| inr => have := h x y (by aesop)
have := h x (-y) (by aesop)
· refine ⟨by aesop, fun {x y} hxy => ?_⟩
by_contra h₂
cases (by aesop : x ∈ P ∨ -x ∈ P) with
| inl => have := h (-x) y (by simp_all)
have := h (-x) (-y) (by simp_all)
| inr => have := h x y (by simp_all)
have := h x (-y) (by simp_all)

end RingPreordering
25 changes: 18 additions & 7 deletions RealClosedField/RealClosedField/Semireal.Field.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,18 +4,21 @@ Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Artie Khovanov
import RealClosedField.RealClosedField.FormallyReal
import RealClosedField.RealClosedField.RingOrdering.Field
import RealClosedField.RealClosedField.RingOrdering.Adjoin

variable (F S : Type*) [Field F] [SetLike S F]
/- TODO: prove prime orderings with support {0} are maximal ring cones, and deduce field case -/

instance RingPreorderingClass.instRingConeClass [RingPreorderingClass S F] : RingConeClass S F where
variable (S F : Type*) [Field F] [SetLike S F] [RingPreorderingClass S F]

instance RingPreorderingClass.instRingConeClass : RingConeClass S F where
eq_zero_of_mem_of_neg_mem {P} {a} ha hna := by
by_contra h
have : a⁻¹ * -a ∈ P := by aesop (config := { enableSimp := False })
exact minus_one_not_mem P (by aesop)

instance RingOrderingClass.instIsMaxCone [RingOrderingClass S F] (O : S) : IsMaxCone O where
mem_or_neg_mem := mem_or_neg_mem O
instance RingPreorderingClass.instIsMaxCone (O : S) [RingPreordering.IsOrdering O] : IsMaxCone O
mem_or_neg_mem := RingPreordering.mem_or_neg_mem O

open Classical in
instance IsSemireal.instIsFormallyReal [IsSemireal F] : IsFormallyReal F where
Expand All @@ -24,9 +27,16 @@ instance IsSemireal.instIsFormallyReal [IsSemireal F] : IsFormallyReal F where
refine add_one_ne_zero_of_isSumSq (IsSumSq.mul (IsSumSq.sum_mul_self _) (IsSumSq.mul_self _))
(by field_simp [hx] : 1 + (∑ j ∈ I.erase i, x j * x j) * ((x i)⁻¹ * (x i)⁻¹) = 0)

instance IsSemireal.inst_choose_isPrimeOrdering [IsSemireal F] :
RingPreordering.IsPrimeOrdering <| Classical.choose <|
RingPreordering.exists_le_isPrimeOrdering <| RingPreordering.sumSqIn F :=
(Classical.choose_spec <|
RingPreordering.exists_le_isPrimeOrdering <| RingPreordering.sumSqIn F).2

noncomputable def LinearOrderedField.mkOfIsSemireal [IsSemireal F] : LinearOrderedField F where
__ := LinearOrderedRing.mkOfCone
(Classical.choose <| RingPreordering.exists_le_ordering <| RingPreordering.sumSqIn F)
(Classical.choose <|
RingPreordering.exists_le_isPrimeOrdering <| RingPreordering.sumSqIn F)
(Classical.decPred _)
__ := ‹Field F›

Expand All @@ -37,5 +47,6 @@ theorem ArtinSchreier_basic :
refine Iff.intro (fun h => ?_) (fun h => ?_)
· rcases Classical.choice h with ⟨inst, extend⟩
have : ExistsAddOfLE F := AddGroup.existsAddOfLE F
exact LinearOrderedSemiring.instIsSemireal F
have := LinearOrderedSemiring.instIsSemireal F
· exact Nonempty.intro ⟨LinearOrderedField.mkOfIsSemireal F, by aesop⟩

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