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artie2000 committed Jan 4, 2025
1 parent fecadca commit 003c55b
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Showing 8 changed files with 166 additions and 173 deletions.
23 changes: 0 additions & 23 deletions RealClosedField/Mathlib/Algebra/Group/Submonoid/Membership.lean

This file was deleted.

66 changes: 39 additions & 27 deletions RealClosedField/Mathlib/Algebra/Order/Group/Cone.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -17,6 +17,20 @@ We also provide constructors that convert between
cones in groups and the corresponding ordered groups.

/-- `AddGroupConeClass S G` says that `S` is a type of cones in `G`. -/
class AddGroupConeClass (S : Type*) (G : outParam Type*) [AddCommGroup G] [SetLike S G]
extends AddSubmonoidClass S G : Prop where
eq_zero_of_mem_of_neg_mem {C : S} {a : G} : a ∈ C → -a ∈ C → a = 0

/-- `GroupConeClass S G` says that `S` is a type of cones in `G`. -/
class GroupConeClass (S : Type*) (G : outParam Type*) [CommGroup G] [SetLike S G] extends
SubmonoidClass S G : Prop where
eq_one_of_mem_of_inv_mem {C : S} {a : G} : a ∈ C → a⁻¹ ∈ C → a = 1

export GroupConeClass (eq_one_of_mem_of_inv_mem)
export AddGroupConeClass (eq_zero_of_mem_of_neg_mem)

/-- A (positive) cone in an abelian group is a submonoid that
does not contain both `a` and `-a` for any nonzero `a`.
This is equivalent to being the set of non-negative elements of
Expand All @@ -33,77 +47,75 @@ structure GroupCone (G : Type*) [CommGroup G] extends Submonoid G where
eq_one_of_mem_of_inv_mem' {a} : a ∈ carrier → a⁻¹ ∈ carrier → a = 1

instance (G : Type*) [CommGroup G] : SetLike (GroupCone G) G where
instance GroupCone.instSetLike (G : Type*) [CommGroup G] : SetLike (GroupCone G) G where
coe C := C.carrier
coe_injective' p q h := by cases p; cases q; congr; exact SetLike.ext' h

instance (G : Type*) [CommGroup G] : SubmonoidClass (GroupCone G) G where
instance GroupCone.instGroupConeClass (G : Type*) [CommGroup G] :
GroupConeClass (GroupCone G) G where
mul_mem {C} := C.mul_mem'
one_mem {C} := C.one_mem'
eq_one_of_mem_of_inv_mem {C} := C.eq_one_of_mem_of_inv_mem'

protected theorem GroupCone.eq_one_of_mem_of_inv_mem {G : Type*} [CommGroup G] {C : GroupCone G}
{a : G} (h₁ : a ∈ C) (h₂ : a⁻¹ ∈ C) : a = 1 := C.eq_one_of_mem_of_inv_mem' h₁ h₂
initialize_simps_projections GroupCone (carrier → coe, as_prefix coe)
initialize_simps_projections AddGroupCone (carrier → coe, as_prefix coe)

/-- Typeclass for maximal additive cones. -/
class IsMaxCone {S G : Type*} [AddCommGroup G] [SetLike S G] (C : S) : Prop where
mem_or_neg_mem' (a : G) : a ∈ C ∨ -a ∈ C
/- TODO : decide whether to unify with RingPreordering.IsOrdering as a "mixin" -/
class IsMaxCone {S G : Type*} [AddGroup G] [SetLike S G] (C : S) : Prop where
mem_or_neg_mem (a : G) : a ∈ C ∨ -a ∈ C

/-- Typeclass for maximal multiplicative cones. -/
@[to_additive IsMaxCone]
class IsMaxMulCone {S G : Type*} [CommGroup G] [SetLike S G] (C : S) : Prop where
mem_or_inv_mem' (a : G) : a ∈ C ∨ a⁻¹ ∈ C
class IsMaxMulCone {S G : Type*} [Group G] [SetLike S G] (C : S) : Prop where
mem_or_inv_mem (a : G) : a ∈ C ∨ a⁻¹ ∈ C

theorem mem_or_inv_mem {S G : Type*} [CommGroup G] [SetLike S G] (C : S) [IsMaxMulCone C] (a : G) :
a ∈ C ∨ a⁻¹ ∈ C := IsMaxMulCone.mem_or_inv_mem' a
export IsMaxCone (mem_or_neg_mem)
export IsMaxMulCone (mem_or_inv_mem)

namespace GroupCone
variable {H : Type*} [OrderedCommGroup H] {a : H}

variable (H) in
/-- Construct a cone from the set of elements of
a partially ordered abelian group that are at least 1. -/
@[to_additive nonneg
"Construct a cone from the set of non-negative elements of a partially ordered abelian group."]
/-- The cone of elements that are at least 1. -/
@[to_additive "The cone of non-negative elements."]
def oneLE : GroupCone H where
__ := Submonoid.oneLE H
eq_one_of_mem_of_inv_mem' {a} := by simpa using ge_antisymm

@[to_additive (attr := simp) nonneg_toAddSubmonoid]
@[to_additive (attr := simp)]
lemma oneLE_toSubmonoid : (oneLE H).toSubmonoid = .oneLE H := rfl
@[to_additive (attr := simp) mem_nonneg]
@[to_additive (attr := simp)]
lemma mem_oneLE : a ∈ oneLE H ↔ 1 ≤ a := Iff.rfl
@[to_additive (attr := simp, norm_cast) coe_nonneg]
@[to_additive (attr := simp, norm_cast)]
lemma coe_oneLE : oneLE H = {x : H | 1 ≤ x} := rfl

@[to_additive nonneg.isMaxCone]
instance oneLE.isMaxMulCone {H : Type*} [LinearOrderedCommGroup H] : IsMaxMulCone (oneLE H) where
mem_or_inv_mem' := by simpa using le_total 1
mem_or_inv_mem := by simpa using le_total 1

end GroupCone

variable {G : Type*} [CommGroup G] (C : GroupCone G)
variable {S G : Type*} [CommGroup G] [SetLike S G] (C : S)

/-- Construct a partially ordered abelian group by designating a cone in an abelian group. -/
@[to_additive (attr := reducible)
"Construct a partially ordered abelian group by designating a cone in an abelian group."]
def OrderedCommGroup.mkOfCone :
def OrderedCommGroup.mkOfCone [GroupConeClass S G] :
OrderedCommGroup G where
le a b := b / a ∈ C
le_refl a := by simp [one_mem]
le_trans a b c nab nbc := by simpa using mul_mem nbc nab
le_antisymm a b nab nba := by
simpa [div_eq_one, eq_comm] using GroupCone.eq_one_of_mem_of_inv_mem nab (by simpa using nba)
simpa [div_eq_one, eq_comm] using eq_one_of_mem_of_inv_mem nab (by simpa using nba)
mul_le_mul_left a b nab c := by simpa using nab

/-- Construct a linearly ordered abelian group by designating a maximal cone in an abelian group. -/
@[to_additive (attr := reducible)
"Construct a linearly ordered abelian group by designating a maximal cone in an abelian group."]
def LinearOrderedCommGroup.mkOfCone [IsMaxMulCone C] (dec : DecidablePred (· ∈ C)) :
def LinearOrderedCommGroup.mkOfCone
[GroupConeClass S G] [IsMaxMulCone C] [DecidablePred (· ∈ C)] :
LinearOrderedCommGroup G where
__ := OrderedCommGroup.mkOfCone C
le_total a b := by simpa using mem_or_inv_mem C (b / a)
decidableLE _ _ := dec _
le_total a b := by simpa using mem_or_inv_mem (b / a)
decidableLE _ := _
131 changes: 19 additions & 112 deletions RealClosedField/Mathlib/Algebra/Order/Ring/Cone.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,9 +6,6 @@ Authors: Jeremy Avigad, Leonardo de Moura, Mario Carneiro, Artie Khovanov
import RealClosedField.Mathlib.Algebra.Order.Group.Cone
import Mathlib.Algebra.Order.Ring.Basic
import Mathlib.Algebra.Ring.Subsemiring.Order
import RealClosedField.RealClosedField.RingOrdering.Basic
import Mathlib.RingTheory.Ideal.Quotient.Operations
import Mathlib.GroupTheory.Coset.Defs

# Construct ordered rings from rings with a specified positive cone.
Expand All @@ -21,6 +18,10 @@ We also provide constructors that convert between
cones in rings and the corresponding ordered rings.

/-- `RingConeClass S R` says that `S` is a type of cones in `R`. -/
class RingConeClass (S : Type*) (R : outParam Type*) [Ring R] [SetLike S R]
extends AddGroupConeClass S R, SubsemiringClass S R : Prop

/-- A (positive) cone in a ring is a subsemiring that
does not contain both `a` and `-a` for any nonzero `a`.
This is equivalent to being the set of non-negative elements of
Expand All @@ -30,33 +31,24 @@ structure RingCone (R : Type*) [Ring R] extends Subsemiring R, AddGroupCone R
/-- Interpret a cone in a ring as a cone in the underlying additive group. -/
add_decl_doc RingCone.toAddGroupCone

instance (R : Type*) [Ring R] : SetLike (RingCone R) R where
instance RingCone.instSetLike (R : Type*) [Ring R] : SetLike (RingCone R) R where
coe C := C.carrier
coe_injective' p q h := by cases p; cases q; congr; exact SetLike.ext' h

instance (R : Type*) [Ring R] : SubsemiringClass (RingCone R) R where
instance RingCone.instRingConeClass (R : Type*) [Ring R] :
RingConeClass (RingCone R) R where
add_mem {C} := C.add_mem'
zero_mem {C} := C.zero_mem'
mul_mem {C} := C.mul_mem'
one_mem {C} := C.one_mem'
eq_zero_of_mem_of_neg_mem {C} := C.eq_zero_of_mem_of_neg_mem'

namespace RingCone

protected theorem eq_zero_of_mem_of_neg_mem {R : Type*} [Ring R] {C : RingCone R}
{a : R} (h₁ : a ∈ C) (h₂ : -a ∈ C) : a = 0 := C.eq_zero_of_mem_of_neg_mem' h₁ h₂

theorem mem_toSubsemiring (R : Type*) [Ring R] (C : RingCone R) {x : R} :
x ∈ C.toSubsemiring ↔ x ∈ C := Iff.rfl

theorem coe_toSubsemiring (R : Type*) [Ring R] (C : RingCone R) :
(C.toSubsemiring : Set R) = C := rfl

variable {T : Type*} [OrderedRing T] {a : T}

variable (T) in
/-- Construct a cone from the set of non-negative elements of a partially ordered ring. -/
/-- The cone of non-negative elements. -/
def nonneg : RingCone T where
__ := Subsemiring.nonneg T
eq_zero_of_mem_of_neg_mem' {a} := by simpa using ge_antisymm
Expand All @@ -67,113 +59,28 @@ def nonneg : RingCone T where
@[simp, norm_cast] lemma coe_nonneg : nonneg T = {x : T | 0 ≤ x} := rfl

instance nonneg.isMaxCone {T : Type*} [LinearOrderedRing T] : IsMaxCone (nonneg T) where
mem_or_neg_mem' := mem_or_neg_mem <| AddGroupCone.nonneg T
mem_or_neg_mem := mem_or_neg_mem (C := AddGroupCone.nonneg T)

end RingCone

variable {R : Type*} [Ring R] (C : RingCone R)
variable {S R : Type*} [Ring R] [SetLike S R] (C : S)

/-- Construct a partially ordered ring by designating a cone in a ring.
Warning: using this def as a constructor in an instance can lead to diamonds
due to non-customisable field: `lt`. -/
@[reducible] def OrderedRing.mkOfCone : OrderedRing R where
@[reducible] def OrderedRing.mkOfCone [RingConeClass S R] : OrderedRing R where
__ := ‹Ring R›
__ := OrderedAddCommGroup.mkOfCone C.toAddGroupCone
zero_le_one := show _ ∈ C by simpa using C.one_mem
mul_nonneg _ _ hx hy := show _ ∈ C by simpa using C.mul_mem hx hy
__ := OrderedAddCommGroup.mkOfCone C
zero_le_one := show _ ∈ C by simpa using one_mem C
mul_nonneg x y xnn ynn := show _ ∈ C by simpa using mul_mem xnn ynn

/-- Construct a linearly ordered domain by designating a maximal cone in a domain.
Warning: using this def as a constructor in an instance can lead to diamonds
due to non-customisable fields: `lt`, `decidableLT`, `decidableEq`, `compare`. -/
@[reducible] def LinearOrderedRing.mkOfCone
[IsDomain R] [IsMaxCone C] [DecidablePred (· ∈ C)] : LinearOrderedRing R where
[IsDomain R] [RingConeClass S R] [IsMaxCone C] [DecidablePred (· ∈ C)] :
LinearOrderedRing R where
__ := OrderedRing.mkOfCone C
__ := OrderedRing.toStrictOrderedRing R
le_total a b := by simpa using mem_or_neg_mem C (b - a)
decidableLE a b := _

def RingPreordering.mkOfCone {R : Type*} [Nontrivial R] [CommRing R] (C : RingCone R) [IsMaxCone C] :
RingPreordering R where
__ := RingCone.toSubsemiring C
isSquare_mem' x := by
rcases x with ⟨y, rfl⟩
cases mem_or_neg_mem C y with
| inl h => aesop
| inr h => simpa using (show -y * -y ∈ C by aesop (config := { enableSimp := false }))
minus_one_not_mem' h := one_ne_zero <| RingCone.eq_zero_of_mem_of_neg_mem (one_mem _) h

/-- A maximal cone over a commutative ring `R` is an ordering on `R`. -/
instance {R : Type*} [CommRing R] [Nontrivial R] (C : RingCone R) [IsMaxCone C] :
RingPreordering.IsOrdering <| RingPreordering.mkOfCone C where
mem_or_neg_mem' x := mem_or_neg_mem C x

/- TODO : decide what to do about the maximality typeclasses -/

@[reducible] def RingCone.mkOfRingPreordering {R : Type*} [CommRing R] {P : RingPreordering R}
(hP : P = ⊥) : RingCone R where
__ := P.toSubsemiring
eq_zero_of_mem_of_neg_mem' {a} := by
have : ∀ x, x ∈ P → x ∈ (⊥ : AddSubgroup R) := by simp_all
rcases hP with -
/- TODO : make this proof less awful -/

instance RingCone.mkOfRingPreordering.inst_isMaxCone {R : Type*} [CommRing R]
{P : RingPreordering R} [RingPreordering.IsOrdering P]
(hP : P = ⊥) : IsMaxCone <| mkOfRingPreordering hP where
mem_or_neg_mem' := RingPreordering.mem_or_neg_mem P

@[reducible] def LinearOrderedRing.mkOfRingOrdering {R : Type*} [CommRing R] [IsDomain R]
{P : RingPreordering R} [RingPreordering.IsOrdering P] [DecidablePred (· ∈ P)]
(hP : P = ⊥) : LinearOrderedRing R :=
mkOfCone <| RingCone.mkOfRingPreordering hP

@[reducible] def RingCone.mkOfRingPreordering_field {F : Type*} [Field F] (P : RingPreordering F) :
RingCone F := mkOfRingPreordering <| RingPreordering.support_eq_bot P

@[reducible] def LinearOrderedRing.mkOfRingPreordering_field {F : Type*} [Field F]
(P : RingPreordering F) [DecidablePred (· ∈ P)] [RingPreordering.IsOrdering P] :
LinearOrderedRing F :=
mkOfCone <| RingCone.mkOfRingPreordering_field P

@[reducible] def RingCone.mkOfRingPreordering_quot {R : Type*} [CommRing R] (P : RingPreordering R)
[RingPreordering.IsOrdering P] : RingCone (R ⧸ ( P)) := by
refine mkOfRingPreordering (P := Ideal.Quotient.mk_surjective (by simp)) ?_
have : ( <| P)
( P) = ⊥ := by simp
ext x
apply_fun (x ∈ ·) at this
rw [Ideal.mem_map_iff_of_surjective _ Ideal.Quotient.mk_surjective] at this
/- TODO : make this proof better -/

/- TODO : move to the right place -/
theorem Quotient.image_mk_eq_lift {α : Type*} {s : Setoid α} (A : Set α)
(h : ∀ x y, x ≈ y → (x ∈ A ↔ y ∈ A)) :
( s) '' A = (Quotient.lift (· ∈ A) (by simpa)) := by
aesop (add unsafe forward Quotient.exists_rep)

/- TODO : move to the right place -/
theorem QuotientGroup.mem_iff_mem_of_quotientRel {G : Type*} [CommGroup G] {H : Subgroup G}
{M : Submonoid G} (hM : (H : Set G) ⊆ M) :
∀ x y, QuotientGroup.leftRel H x y → (x ∈ M ↔ y ∈ M) := fun x y hxy => by
rw [QuotientGroup.leftRel_apply] at hxy
exact ⟨fun h => by have := mul_mem h <| hM hxy; simpa,
fun h => by have := mul_mem h <| hM <| inv_mem hxy; simpa⟩

@[reducible] def LinearOrderedRing.mkOfRingPreordering_quot {R : Type*} [CommRing R]
(P : RingPreordering R) [RingPreordering.IsPrimeOrdering P] [DecidablePred (· ∈ P)] :
LinearOrderedRing (R ⧸ ( P)) :=
/- technical instance -/
/- TODO : generalise this quotient instance? -/
have : DecidablePred (· ∈ RingCone.mkOfRingPreordering_quot P) := by
rw [show (· ∈ RingCone.mkOfRingPreordering_quot P) = (· ∈ ( _) '' P) by rfl]
have : ∀ x y, ( P).quotientRel x y → (x ∈ P ↔ y ∈ P) :=
(M := P.toAddSubmonoid) (H := ( P).toAddSubgroup)
(by aesop (add unsafe apply Set.sep_subset))
rw [Quotient.image_mk_eq_lift _ this]
exact Quotient.lift.decidablePred (· ∈ P) (by simpa)
mkOfCone (RingCone.mkOfRingPreordering_quot P)
le_total a b := by simpa using mem_or_neg_mem (b - a)
decidableLE _ := _
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion RealClosedField/Mathlib/Algebra/Ring/Semireal/Defs.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ Copyright (c) 2024 Florent Schaffhauser. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Florent Schaffhauser, Artie Khovanov
import Mathlib.Algebra.Ring.SumsOfSquares
import RealClosedField.Mathlib.Algebra.Ring.SumsOfSquares

# Semireal rings
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions RealClosedField/RealClosedField/FormallyReal.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ instance LinearOrderedRing.instIsFormallyReal [LinearOrderedRing R] : IsFormally
(mul_self_nonneg <| x i))

namespace RingCone
variable {T : Type*} [CommRing T] [IsFormallyReal T] {a : T}
variable {T : Type*} [CommRing T] [IsFormallyReal T]

variable (T) in
Expand All @@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ def sumSqIn : RingCone T where
IsFormallyReal.eq_zero_of_isSumSq_of_sum_eq_zero hx hnx (add_neg_cancel x)

@[simp] lemma sumSqIn_toSubsemiring : (sumSqIn T).toSubsemiring = .sumSqIn T := rfl
@[simp] lemma mem_sumSqIn : a ∈ sumSqIn T ↔ IsSumSq a := Iff.rfl
@[simp] lemma mem_sumSqIn {a : T} : a ∈ sumSqIn T ↔ IsSumSq a := Iff.rfl
@[simp, norm_cast] lemma coe_sumSqIn : sumSqIn T = {x : T | IsSumSq x} := rfl

end RingCone

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