use strict;
use warnings;
use Ethereum::RPC::Client;
my $abi = ...;
my $bytecode = ...;
my $rpc_client = Ethereum::RPC::Client->new;
my $coinbase = $rpc_client->eth_coinbase;
my $contract = $rpc_client->contract({
contract_abi => $abi,
from => $from,
gas => $gas,
my $message = $contract->deploy($bytecode)->get_contract_address(35);
die $message->failure if $message->is_failed;
$message = $contract->invoke("functionname", qw(param1 param2 param3))->call_transaction();
print $message->get->to_big_int() unless $error;
$message = $contract->invoke("functionname", $param1, $param2, $param3)->send_transaction();
perl-Ethereum-Contract is a library to enable perl to call the contract functions using RPC calls.
Calling RPC commands
my $rpc_client = Ethereum::RPC::Client->new; my $balance = $rpc_client->eth_getBalance("0x0...", "latest");
Loading Contract
my $rpc_client = Ethereum::RPC::Client->new; my $contract = $rpc_client->contract({ contract_abi => $abi, from => $coinbase, gas => 3000000, });
Deploying a Contract
Calling a Contract function
my $message = $contract->invoke($function_name, param1, param2, ...)->call_transaction(); $big_int = $message->get->to_big_int unless $message->is_failed;
This software is in an early state.
- perl 5
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.