This OpenFOAM post-processing utility is designed for carrying out a spatial averaging in the cyclic direction (if any). The averaged data is saved using a new mesh with a unique control volume in the cyclic direction, considerably reducing the required amount of memory.
- Use ./Allwmake
- Spatial averaging along a cyclic direction.
- Cyclic direction automatically detected. Any cyclic direction should be allowed (Please report any issue).
- A new mesh~(called extrudedMesh) with a unique control volume in the cyclic direction is created. This part of the code is mostly based on the extrude2DMesh tool available by default in OpenFOAM.
How to use ?
The only argument required by this tool is the interpolationScheme.
It has to be executed in the main OpenFOAM folder. For instance: avgCyclicDir cellPoint
The tool only postprocess time averaged fields (Following extension: "*Mean").
Once executed, a folder located at "./postProcessing/avgCyclicDir" is created containing the extruded mesh with the interpolated fields.
For visualizing purposes, a symbolic link for the system folder is required by paraFOAM. Execute the following commands from the OpenFOAM project folder: cd ./postProcessing/avgCyclicDir ln -s ../../system
Limitiations :
- Available branches compatible for OpenFOAM v1706 and OpenFOAM-4.1 [Other OpenFOAM versions have not been tested].
- This tool is not yet paralellized.
- Only one cyclic direction is allowed.
- The spatial discretitzation in the cyclic direction should be uniform. Otherwise the tool will not work, or will provide wrong results.
- Currently, all patch values are set to zero.
Furtherwork :
- Tool parallelitzation
- Fix patch zero values
- Mulitple cyclic directions.