Description: This full-stack MERN application allows users to access information on any country in the world.
- Front End: React, CSS
- Back End: MongoDB, Express, Node.js
This application features allows users to create, read, update, and delete (CRUD) country profile information.
While building this application, I thought carefully about how to construct my data models in the backend. I realized early on in the development process that how I built my data models would affect my ability to access data from my API. This challenege proved to be a valuable learning moment because I had to apply similar concepts when working on subsequent projects that managed and accessed data.
As I continue to build on this application, I will:
- Add authentication settings so only certain users can edit, delete, and create country profiles.
- Add images to each country.
- Add search functionality so users can search for country information using a language as the search field.