Cross-Platform Chart Generation Library for .NET Core.
I couldn't find a chart rendering library to run under .NET Core (specifically for, but not limited to, AWS Lambda), so I created this one.
let series =
{ originalPoints = Plot.Core.FakeData.monthlyDataDateTimes
title = "Air Passenger Data"
lineStyle =
{ Color = Rgba32.Orange
Thickness = 2.f }}
let inflatedSeries =
{ originalPoints = Plot.Core.FakeData.monthlyDataDateTimes |> op -> { op with y = op.y + 100. })
title = "Inflated Air Passenger Data"
lineStyle =
{ Color = Rgba32.LightBlue
Thickness = 2.f }}
let settings = Settings.createLineChartSettings "Air Passenger Data Jan 49 – Dec 60" 1500 500
match [series; inflatedSeries] |> createLineChart settings with
| Some image -> image.Save "AirPassengerData.png"
| None -> failwith "Something went wrong."
The rendering settings can be customized by updating the Settings record from the code above, before passing to createLineChart. The Settings record has the structure:
open SixLabors.ImageSharp
type LineChartSettings = {
Title : string
Width : int
Height : int
Font : SixLabors.Fonts.Font
GridLineStyle : LineStyle
MinorGridLineStyle : LineStyle
HorizontalGridLines : int option
VerticalGridLines : int option