Soundcloud API wrapper written just for fun.
If you find issues or have new ideas, feature requests, code optimization, patches, etc. Please open an Issue or send a pull request! :)
- Authentication with OAuth2
- Access to all public GET resources
- Access to all private GET resources
- Access to all PUT resources
- Access to all POST resources
- Access to all DELETE resources
- Track Download feature
- oEmbed Access to embed soundcloud player on your page
- Code Optimization
- Better Error Handling
- Implementation of future feature requests based on users who use this wrapper.
PHP >= 5.3 with cURL support.
$soundcloud = new Soundcloud('CLIENT_ID');
$soundcloud->setResponseType('xml'); // default is json
$response = $soundcloud->getResource('/tracks', array(
'q' => 'House',
'order' => 'created_at',
// To access private resources you always have to send CLIENT_SECRET and REDIRECT_URI with your
// CLIENT_ID for a successful authentication.
$soundcloud = new Soundcloud('CLIENT_ID', 'CLIENT_SECRET', 'REDIRECT_URI');
$authURL = $test->getAuthUrl();
echo '<a href="' . $authURL . '">Login with Soundcloud</a><br>';
// Grab pass $_GET['code'] from Soundcloud authorization url to OAuth2 url
// and get a valid token
$accessToken = $soundcloud->getAccessToken($_GET['code']);
// Let's set the token so we can request private resources with getResource() method;
// Get User private information
$response = $soundcloud->getResource('/me');
// lets keep access token in $_SESSION too, or maybe set it to a database table.. what
// ever fits you best.
$_SESSION['oauth_token'] = $accessToken->access_token;
// Let's set the token so we can access 'need-authentication' resources with postResource() method.
// Let's post a timed comment. XXXX is track id.
$response = $soundcloud->postResource('/tracks/XXXX/comments', array(
'comment[body]' => 'Hey Good Track dude!',
'comment[timestamp]' => 1231314, // NOTICE: timestamp is in milisseconds
// Let's set the token so we can access 'need-authentication' resources with postResource() method.
* The process to upload a track is:
* 1) user access your web app (on your server)
* 2) user upload audio and/or artwork file(s) to your server on your server and only then you can invoke this method
* 3) with files already uploaded to server, we grab they full local path and invoke postResource()
// Let's upload a track to soundcloud.
$response = $soundcloud->postResource('/tracks', array(
'track[title]' => 'Track Name',
'track[sharing]' => 'public', // or 'private'
'track[asset_data]' => @/path/to/audio/file.wav, // local path on your server
'track[artwork_data]' => @/path/to/my/track/image.png, // local path on your server
// Download a track. XXXX is track id.
$soundcloud = new Soundcloud('CLIENT_ID');
$response = $soundcloud->getResource('/oembed', array(
'url' => '',
'color' => '', // (optional) The primary color of the widget as a hex
// triplet. (For example: ff0066).
'auto_play' => false, // (optional) Whether the widget plays on load.
'show_comments'=> true, // (optional) Whether the player displays timed comments.
'iframe' => true // (optional) Whether the new HTML5 Iframe-based Widget or the old
// Adobe Flash Widget will be returned.
// echo the Soundcloud html5 player on your page with music from url
echo $response->html;
$soundcloud = new Soundcloud('CLIENT_ID', 'CLIENT_SECRET', 'REDIRECT_URI');
// Let's set the token so we can access 'need-authentication' resources with postResource() method.
// XXXXXXXX is user id to follow.
$response = $soundcloud->putResource('/me/followings/XXXXXXXX');
$soundcloud = new Soundcloud('CLIENT_ID', 'CLIENT_SECRET', 'REDIRECT_URI');
// Let's set the token so we can access 'need-authentication' resources with postResource() method.
// XXXXXXXX is user id to follow.
$response = $soundcloud->deleteResource('/me/followings/XXXXXXXX');