Releases: araxiaonline/wow-client-patcher
Releases · araxiaonline/wow-client-patcher
- Fixes issues with loading
- Simplifies interface
- Brings back the lich king theme
- updates how remote versions work so only new files are downloaded
- Removes bad HD patches
- Moved downloads to menu bar
- Addressed bugs in UI interface with false errors
- added a loading bar
- Adds TBC theme background and music
- Adds new method to move TBC movie into playable movie on host.
- Fixed issues with Manifest corruption
- Added notification of new Client version updates and link to download.
- Added AutoUpdate class to start to push towards automated updates of client
- fix for store use 1.0.0 instructions
WoW Client Patcher initial release.
- Download and place in the same directory as your existing Wow.exe.
- Create a backup folder of your Data Directory and remove all patch files that are not base game patches: Base Game Patches are the following:
- common
- common-2
- expansion
- lichking
- patch
- patch-2
- patch-3
- Place all other patches in a backup folder in the same directory for ease. If you do not have any patches congrats you can just start the app.
- An Alternative approach, is just open the WoWLauncher as an Admin (right click launch as Admin) this will enable the client to have permissions to replace files. While this is faster I do not recommend it vs fresh install.
- Click on WoWLauncher. You should now use this to launch Wow.exe instead so you stay current on updates. Shortcut it.
From this point on you are now able to receive game news, client patches, and addOns from the server automatically.