Releases: araxiaonline/mod-auctionator
Updates from PR via @jaylittle
Merge pull request #22 from jaylittle/bugfix/add-missing-include Added newly required QueryResult include and updated for new AuctionHouseId enum
v0.8.1 Fix Compile Errors
Fix compile errors. Also merge PR to fix add item not working properly (thanks Instantium!).
Stack size and Bids
Making some quality of life adjustments.
- Items now have a bid attached to them to make it so you can't buy everything for 1 copper if you just bid on it. There is a new config setting
that defaults to .3. This setting means that the bid price will be between the sell price and 30% less than the sell price (selected randomly). Auctionator.Seller.RandomizeStackSize
has been added to allow you to set random stack sizes. Cap is still hard coded to 20 (if you have modified your database to allow larger stacks). If you set this to 1 instead of 0 you will no longer get max stack sizes for every auction, it will be random between 1 and MaxStackSize..auctionator status
now shows these new settings in the Seller section.
Max Stack Size hard coded
If you have modified your stack sizes on your server v0.6 will get you some unwieldy stacks, especially of very expensive items. I put a quick and dirty max stack size of 20 in place for now till I come up with a better solution.
Lot's of changes but most notably added market pricing.
Addition of table mod_auctionator_market_price in the character database for storing market price data.
Added market price to seller and buyer price calculations.
Separated the multipliers for bidder and seller in the config to allow them to be tweaked independently.
Moved the seller events into the auctionator event system that the bidder uses.
Added the ability to set the number of seller auctions created per cycle in the config.
Added new commands bidspercycle and auctionspercycle to allow runtime adjustment of the values.
v0.5 Code cleanup and Price Multipliers
Cleanup up a lot of code and comments. Added a few hardcoded settings to the config files. Added a couple of new commands (bidonown and multiplier).
New feature: Set the price for buying and selling of items based on quality (poor, common, uncommon, rare, epic, legendary). Multiplier is shared for buyer and seller. I noticed that a LOT of epics were just too cheap in the AH and am using this to fix that up.
Fixed memory issue causing crash on windows.
Merge pull request #4 from icemansparks/bug/InitializeEvents #3 move init after config value has been set
Added a Bidder to buy your sh!t
v0.3 Merge branch 'feature_bidder'
v0.2 Improved visibility and admin
Lots of adds to allow better visibility to settings and other admin features. Config file changes mean you need to redo parts of your config.
.auctionator status
.auctionator enable allianceseller
.auctionator disable all
v0.1 Initial Release
Initial release of what should be a working seller.