This will deploy 3 resources to your Azure environment:
- An Azure Storage Account (V2)
- Also creates a blob container in the new storage account.
- A Microsoft connector to connect Azure Storage and the Logic App
- A Logic App that pulls from a specified HTTP endpoint on a set interval.
To deploy this to your subscription, you can specify the parameters in the parameters.json file. In the example parameters file, will be downloaded by Logic App every 5 minutes.
You can execute this script from PowerShell to deploy.
.\deploy.ps1 -subscriptionId "a*******-****-****-****-*********bcd" -resourceGroupName "bing_downloader_test" -resourceGroupLocation "eastus2" -deploymentName "Bing_Data_Downloader" -parametersFilePath ".\parameters.json"
You can also run in an Azure Government Cloud by passing the -environmentName
.\deploy.ps1 -subscriptionId "a*******-****-****-****-*********bcd" -resourceGroupName "bing_downloader_test" -environmentName "AzureUSGovernment" -resourceGroupLocation "usgovtexas" -deploymentName "Bing_Data_Downloader" -parametersFilePath ".\parameters.json"
Note: As of August 27th, 2018, Logic Apps are currently only available in US Gov Texas region