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Started to write code for traversing and computing homology dimension…
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… by dimension, instead of streaming all dimensions in the same stream.
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Mikael Vejdemo-Johansson committed May 13, 2024
1 parent 8860875 commit 5d7a5ae
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Showing 7 changed files with 271 additions and 86 deletions.
132 changes: 68 additions & 64 deletions src/main/scala/org/appliedtopology/tda4j/Cube.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -22,56 +22,58 @@ given Ordering[ElementaryInterval] = => i.n)
given Ordering[ElementaryCube] = => c.intervals)

case class ElementaryCube(val intervals: List[ElementaryInterval]) extends Cell[ElementaryCube] {
override def boundary[CoefficientT: Fractional]: Chain[ElementaryCube, CoefficientT] = {
val chainOps = ChainOps[ElementaryCube, CoefficientT]()
import chainOps.{*, given}
val fr = summon[Fractional[CoefficientT]]
import math.Fractional.Implicits.infixFractionalOps

// For a cube that decomposes as Q = I*P where I is a single interval, we define
// ∂Q = ∂I * P + (-1)^{dim I} I * ∂P

// Given stuff-already-processed and an I*P decomposition, figure out whether this I changes the accumulated
// sign, and produce the ∂I * P + sign pair
def process(
left: List[ElementaryInterval],
current: ElementaryInterval,
right: List[ElementaryInterval]
): (CoefficientT, Chain[ElementaryCube, CoefficientT]) = current match {
case DegenerateInterval(n) => (, Chain())
case FullInterval(n) =>
ElementaryCube(left ++ (DegenerateInterval(n + 1) :: right)) ->,
ElementaryCube(left ++ (DegenerateInterval(n) :: right)) -> fr.negate(
override def boundary[CoefficientT: Fractional]: Chain[ElementaryCube, CoefficientT] =
if(dim == 0) Chain()
else {
val chainOps = ChainOps[ElementaryCube, CoefficientT]()
import chainOps.{*, given}
val fr = summon[Fractional[CoefficientT]]
import math.Fractional.Implicits.infixFractionalOps

// For a cube that decomposes as Q = I*P where I is a single interval, we define
// ∂Q = ∂I * P + (-1)^{dim I} I * ∂P

// Given stuff-already-processed and an I*P decomposition, figure out whether this I changes the accumulated
// sign, and produce the ∂I * P + sign pair
def process(
left: List[ElementaryInterval],
current: ElementaryInterval,
right: List[ElementaryInterval]
): (CoefficientT, Chain[ElementaryCube, CoefficientT]) = current match {
case DegenerateInterval(n) => (, Chain())
case FullInterval(n) =>
ElementaryCube(left ++ (DegenerateInterval(n + 1) :: right)) ->,
ElementaryCube(left ++ (DegenerateInterval(n) :: right)) -> fr.negate(

def boundaryOf(
left: List[ElementaryInterval],
current: ElementaryInterval,
right: List[ElementaryInterval],
sign: CoefficientT,
acc: Chain[ElementaryCube, CoefficientT]
): Chain[ElementaryCube, CoefficientT] = {
val (sgn, newchain) = process(left, current, right)
right match {
case Nil =>
// process current, then return the resulting acc
acc + ((sign * sgn) newchain)
case c :: cs =>
// process current, then call with c as new current
boundaryOf(left.appended(current), c, cs, sign * sgn, acc + ((sign * sgn) newchain))
def boundaryOf(
left: List[ElementaryInterval],
current: ElementaryInterval,
right: List[ElementaryInterval],
sign: CoefficientT,
acc: Chain[ElementaryCube, CoefficientT]
): Chain[ElementaryCube, CoefficientT] = {
val (sgn, newchain) = process(left, current, right)
right match {
case Nil =>
// process current, then return the resulting acc
acc + ((sign * sgn) newchain)
case c :: cs =>
// process current, then call with c as new current
boundaryOf(left.appended(current), c, cs, sign * sgn, acc + ((sign * sgn) newchain))
intervals match {
case Nil => Chain()
case (i :: is) => boundaryOf(List.empty, i, is,, Chain())
intervals match {
case Nil => Chain()
case (i :: is) => boundaryOf(List.empty, i, is,, Chain())

def emb: Int = intervals.size
def dim: Int = intervals.count(i => i.isInstanceOf[FullInterval])
Expand All @@ -83,31 +85,33 @@ case class ElementaryCube(val intervals: List[ElementaryInterval]) extends Cell[

trait CubeStream[FiltrationT : Ordering]
extends Filtration[ElementaryCube,FiltrationT]
with IterableOnce[ElementaryCube]

trait CubeStream[FiltrationT: Ordering] extends CellStream[ElementaryCube, FiltrationT]

object Cubical {
def from[T:Filterable:Ordering](grid: Array[Array[T]]): CubeStream[T] = new CubeStream[T] {
def from[T: Filterable: Ordering](grid: Array[Array[T]]): CubeStream[T] = new CubeStream[T] {
val largest = summon[Filterable[T]].largest
val smallest = summon[Filterable[T]].smallest

val cubes : Map[ElementaryCube,T] = Map.from((
(row,i) <- grid.zipWithIndex
(pixel,j) <- row.zipWithIndex
firstInterval <- Seq(FullInterval(i), DegenerateInterval(i))
secondInterval <- Seq(FullInterval(j), DegenerateInterval(j))
ElementaryCube(List(firstInterval,secondInterval)) -> pixel
).toList.sorted.reverse) // reversed so that the last element saved for any one cube is the one with lowest T-value
val smallest = summon[Filterable[T]].smallest

override def filtrationOrdering: Ordering[ElementaryCube] ={(int) => int.n})

val cubes: Map[ElementaryCube, T] = Map.from(
(row, i) <- grid.zipWithIndex
(pixel, j) <- row.zipWithIndex
firstInterval <- Seq(FullInterval(i), DegenerateInterval(i))
secondInterval <- Seq(FullInterval(j), DegenerateInterval(j))
yield ElementaryCube(List(firstInterval, secondInterval)) -> pixel
) // reversed so that the last element saved for any one cube is the one with lowest T-value

override def filtrationValue: PartialFunction[ElementaryCube, T] =

override def iterator: Iterator[ElementaryCube] =
cubes.keys.toList.sorted(using ord=Ordering.Int.reverse)).iterator
.sorted(using ord = Ordering.Int.reverse))
155 changes: 154 additions & 1 deletion src/main/scala/org/appliedtopology/tda4j/Homology.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ package org.appliedtopology.tda4j

import org.appliedtopology.tda4j.barcode.PersistenceBar

import collection.mutable
import collection.{immutable, mutable}
import scala.annotation.tailrec

//class ReducedSimplicialHomologyContext[VertexT: Ordering, CoefficientT: Fractional, FiltrationT: Ordering]()
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -159,5 +159,158 @@ class CellularHomologyContext[CellT <: Cell[CellT]: Ordering, CoefficientT: Frac
stream.smallest: FiltrationT, // computation done up until filtrationValue
) // torsion part of barcode

class SimplicialHomologyByDimensionContext[VertexT: Ordering, CoefficientT: Fractional]
extends ChainOps[Simplex[VertexT], CoefficientT]() {
case class HomologyState(
cycles: mutable.Map[Simplex[VertexT], Chain[Simplex[VertexT], CoefficientT]],
cyclesBornBy: mutable.Map[Simplex[VertexT], Simplex[VertexT]],
boundaries: mutable.Map[Simplex[VertexT], Chain[Simplex[VertexT], CoefficientT]],
boundariesBornBy: mutable.Map[Simplex[VertexT], Simplex[VertexT]],
coboundaries: mutable.Map[Simplex[VertexT], Chain[Simplex[VertexT], CoefficientT]],
stream: StratifiedCellStream[Simplex[VertexT], Double],
var current: Double,
var currentDim: Int,
var currentIterator: collection.BufferedIterator[Simplex[VertexT]],
barcode: mutable.Map[Int, immutable.Queue[(Double, Double, Chain[Simplex[VertexT], CoefficientT])]]
) {
// first off, all vertices are immediately cycles
cycles.addAll(stream.iterateDimension(0).map(cell => cell -> Chain(cell)))
cyclesBornBy.addAll(, chain) => cell -> cell))

// secondly, we can read off homology completely from a minimal spanning tree
val kruskal = new Kruskal[Simplex[VertexT]](
{ (x: Simplex[VertexT], y: Simplex[VertexT]) => stream.filtrationValue(x.union(y)) }
)(using stream.filtrationOrdering)

kruskal.mstIterator.foreach { (src, tgt) =>
val edge: Simplex[VertexT] = src.union(tgt)

// the edge src -- tgt will connect src to tgt thus removing one of the cycles
val dEdge = edge.boundary
val dyingVertex = dEdge.leadingCell.get
boundaries.addOne(dEdge.leadingCell.get -> dEdge)
coboundaries.addOne(dyingVertex, dEdge)
barcode(0) =
barcode(0).appended((stream.filtrationValue(dyingVertex), stream.filtrationValue(edge), cycles(dyingVertex)))

kruskal.cyclesIterator.foreach { (src, tgt) =>
val edge: Simplex[VertexT] = src.union(tgt)

// the edge src -- tgt will connect src to tgt thus closing a loop
val dEdge = edge.boundary
// TODO is it worth it to have a more complex UnionFind that allows us to get the entire path along the MST?
val (reduced, reductionLog): (Chain[Simplex[VertexT], CoefficientT], Chain[Simplex[VertexT], CoefficientT]) =
reduceBy(dEdge, boundaries)
val fr = summon[Fractional[CoefficientT]]
val coboundary: Chain[Simplex[VertexT], CoefficientT] =
reductionLog.items.foldRight(fr.negate( Chain(edge)) { (item, acc) =>
val (spx, coeff) = item
if (coboundaries.contains(spx))
acc + coeff coboundaries(spx)
cycles(coboundary.leadingCell.get) = coboundary
cyclesBornBy(coboundary.leadingCell.get) = edge

// setup is done, we should be ready to start dimension 2
currentDim = 1
current = Double.PositiveInfinity

private def reduceBy(
z: Chain[Simplex[VertexT], CoefficientT],
basis: mutable.Map[Simplex[VertexT], Chain[Simplex[VertexT], CoefficientT]],
reductionLog: Chain[Simplex[VertexT], CoefficientT] = Chain()
fr: Fractional[CoefficientT]
): (Chain[Simplex[VertexT], CoefficientT], Chain[Simplex[VertexT], CoefficientT]) =
z.leadingCell match {
case None => (z, reductionLog)
case Some(sigma) =>
if (basis.contains(sigma)) {
val redCoeff = fr.div(z.leadingCoefficient, basis(sigma).leadingCoefficient)
reduceBy(z - redCoeff basis(sigma), basis, reductionLog + redCoeff Chain(sigma))
} else (z, reductionLog)

def advanceOne(): Unit =
if (currentIterator.hasNext) {
val fr = summon[Fractional[CoefficientT]]
val sigma =
val dsigma : Chain[Simplex[VertexT], CoefficientT] = sigma.boundary
val (dsigmaReduced, reduction) = reduceBy(dsigma, boundaries)
val coboundary = reduction.items.foldRight(fr.negate( Chain(sigma)) { (next, acc) =>
val (spx, coeff) = next
if (coboundaries.contains(spx))
acc + coeff coboundaries(spx)
if (dsigmaReduced.isZero()) {
// adding a boundary to a boundary creates a new cycle as sigma + whatever whose boundary eliminated dsigma
cycles(coboundary.leadingCell.get) = coboundary
cyclesBornBy(coboundary.leadingCell.get) = sigma
} else {
// we have a new boundary witnessed
boundaries(dsigmaReduced.leadingCell.get) = dsigmaReduced
boundariesBornBy(dsigmaReduced.leadingCell.get) = sigma
coboundaries(dsigmaReduced.leadingCell.get) = coboundary

val (_, cycleBasis) = reduceBy(dsigmaReduced, cycles)
val representativeCycle: Chain[Simplex[VertexT], CoefficientT] = cycleBasis.leadingCell match {
case None => Chain()
case Some(cell) => cycles(cell)
cycleBasis.leadingCell match {
case None => ()
case Some(cell) => cycles.remove(cell)

val lower: Double = cycleBasis.leadingCell match {
case None => Double.NegativeInfinity
case Some(spx) =>
stream.filtrationValue.orElse{(_) => Double.NegativeInfinity}.compose(cyclesBornBy)(spx)
val upper: Double =
stream.filtrationValue.orElse{(_) => Double.PositiveInfinity}(sigma)

barcode(currentDim) = barcode(currentDim).appended((lower, upper, representativeCycle))
current = stream.filtrationValue.lift(sigma).getOrElse(stream.smallest)
} else {
currentDim += 1
currentIterator = stream
.applyOrElse(currentDim, _ => Iterator.empty)
current = Double.NegativeInfinity

def advanceTo(dim: Int, f: Double = Double.PositiveInfinity): Unit =
while(currentIterator.hasNext &&
currentDim <= dim &&
f > current)

def persistentHomology(stream: => StratifiedCellStream[Simplex[VertexT], Double]): HomologyState =
14 changes: 14 additions & 0 deletions src/main/scala/org/appliedtopology/tda4j/SimplexStream.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -187,3 +187,17 @@ class FilteredSimplexOrdering[VertexT, FiltrationT](, y.size)

trait StratifiedCellStream[CellT <: Cell[CellT] :Ordering,FiltrationT:Filterable] extends CellStream[CellT,FiltrationT] {
def iterateDimension : PartialFunction[Int, Iterator[CellT]]

override def iterator: Iterator[CellT] =
.map{ (dim:Int) => iterateDimension.applyOrElse(dim, (d:Int) => Iterator.empty) }
.fold(Iterator.empty:Iterator[CellT])((x,y) => x++y)

trait StratifiedSimplexStream[VertexT:Ordering, FiltrationT:Filterable] extends StratifiedCellStream[Simplex[VertexT],FiltrationT] { }
12 changes: 9 additions & 3 deletions src/main/scala/org/appliedtopology/tda4j/UnionFind.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -28,17 +28,18 @@ class UnionFind[T](vertices: IterableOnce[T]) {
/** This implementation of Kruskal's algorithm will return two iterators of vertex pairs: the first iterator is a
* Minimal Spanning Tree in increasing weight order, while the second iterator gives all the non-included
class Kruskal[T](metricSpace: FiniteMetricSpace[T])(using

class Kruskal[T](elements: Seq[T], distance: (T,T) => Double)(using
orderingT: Ordering[T]
) {
val unionFind: UnionFind[T] = UnionFind(metricSpace.elements)
val unionFind: UnionFind[T] = UnionFind(elements)

val sortedEdges: List[(Double, unionFind.UFSet, unionFind.UFSet)] =
x <- unionFind.sets.keysIterator
y <- unionFind.sets.keysIterator
if, y.label)
yield (metricSpace.distance(x.label, y.label), x, y)).toList.sortWith { (l, r) =>
yield (distance(x.label, y.label), x, y)).toList.sortWith { (l, r) =>
l._1 < r._1

Expand All @@ -55,6 +56,11 @@ class Kruskal[T](metricSpace: FiniteMetricSpace[T])(using
val cyclesIterator: Iterator[(T, T)] = lrList._2.iterator

object Kruskal {
def apply[T:Ordering](metricSpace: FiniteMetricSpace[T]): Kruskal[T] =
new Kruskal(metricSpace.elements.toSeq, metricSpace.distance)

def KruskalF[T](metricSpace: FiniteMetricSpace[T])(using orderingT: Ordering[T]) = {
val unionFind: UnionFind[T] = UnionFind(metricSpace.elements)
Expand Down
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions src/test/scala/org/appliedtopology/tda4j/APISpec.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,6 +2,8 @@ package org.appliedtopology.tda4j

import org.specs2.mutable

import scala.math.Numeric.DoubleIsFractional

class APISpec extends mutable.Specification {
"""Test case class for developing the non-Scala facing API functionality
|and the non-expert API functionality""".stripMargin
Expand Down

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