This is a very simple Spring Boot Application which works well for testing CI solutions. The application can be deployed into a Docker image which can then be run just as a container or apart of a Kubernetes cluster. For an example of how this project can be implemented into a simple pipeline, see the spring-boot-hello-world-ci project.
- It will be useful to first have Docker Hub Account so that your images can be accessible on the internet
- You will need to install Docker
On Linux you can run these commands, log out and back in.
curl | sudo bash
sudo usermod -aG docker $(whoami)
Docker Hub Website and follow the install steps, Docker Compose will be installed this way as well - (Windows) (Mac)
We can build the Docker image using this command replacing bobcrutchley with whatever your Docker Hub username is:
docker build -t bobcrutchley/spring-boot-hello-world:latest
Pushing your new Image to Docker Hub will make it accessible from anywhere:
docker login
docker push bobcrutchley/spring-boot-hello-world:latest
The image can also be run locally:
docker run -d -p 8080:8080 --name spring-boot-hello-world --rm bobcrutchley/spring-boot-hello-world:latest
You will need to have the following to be able to these commands:
A free trial or subscription to Google Cloud Platform
Have the GCloud SDK installed
Have the Kubernetes Engine API enabled (Requires GCloud SDK to be installed)
gcloud services enable
Make sure that you are logged in to the GCloud SDK
gcloud auth login
Install the kubectl component, this will allow us to communicate with the Kubernetes cluster
gcloud components install kubectl
Create a new cluster
gcloud container clusters create spring-boot-hello-world
The Deployment and Service for the application can be made by running this command from the project root:
kubectl create -f kubernetes