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Get Insight from Clickhouse Error log. Clickhouse log aggregation using Ansible


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ClickSight (Get Insight from Clickhouse Error log)

Clickhouse log aggregation using Ansible


First Clone the project :)

git clone
cd ClickSight


  1. Prepare Inventory file and Servers
  • Edit hosts and replace {node-1-address} and {node-2-address} with Clickhouse addresses.
    • You can use either the name or the IPv4 or IPv6 address.
    • This playbook suppose Clickhouse error log place in /var/log/clickhouse-server/clickhouse-server.err.log.
      • If it's different in your case, open issue to provide option to get it as variable.
  • Also replace {user} with user which have sudo access on Clickhouse servers.
    • Sudo user needed in case of {user} hasn't read permission to read /var/log/clickhouse-server.err.log. If it has, you can remove all become: true from playbook and remove -K from command.
  • It's better to add your public key to authorized_key of Clickhouse servers so you don't need to enter password every time. See how

2.Install Ansible

You can Install it using official document. This playbook developed by Ansible core 2.15.0. And recommended to use this version.

Run ClickSight

ClickSight works in five mode for each node:


Timeline of all Fatal Errors in clickhouse-server.error.log.

  • Variables:

    • mode: For this, mode must be fatal. Default = fatal
    • lines_after: Control number of lines you want to see after the line contains <Fatal>. Default = 20
  • Usage:

    Show Fatal logs and 35 lines after it.

    ansible-playbook -K -i hosts click-sight-playbook.yaml -e '{"mode":"fatal","lines_after":"35"}'


    • Result will save in {clickhouse_node_name}_clickhouse_fatal_errors.txt
    • You need enter {user} password after executing command


Timeline of Error log in clickhouse-server.err.log from from_datetime Clickhouse Error Timeline

  • Variables:

    • mode: For this, mode must be error_timeline. Default = fatal
    • from_datetime: Log after this time will aggregate and show. Default = 2 hours before now
      • Format must be YYYY.MM.DD HH:MM
      • Important: If there isn't any <Error> in given time, result will be empty so try to provide broad range like 2023.07.14 15 (It search for error which its line starts with 2023.07.14 15 So most likely there is error in that hour. But if you provide 2023.07.14 15:00, it's more likely to there isn't any Error in that minute, so result will be empty!)
  • Usage: Show Error logs from 2023-07-14 12:00

    ansible-playbook -K -i hosts click-sight-playbook.yaml -e '{"mode":"error_timeline","from_datetime":"2023.07.14 12"}'


    • Result will save in {clickhouse_node_name}_clickhouse_error_timeline.txt
    • Result will group by minutes and sorted by time of occurrence


Timeline of errors associated with query_id from from_datetime Clickhouse Queries with Error

  • Variables:

    • mode: For this, mode must be queries_error_timeline. Default = fatal
    • from_datetime: See detail of this variable in documentation of mode = error_timeline
  • Usage: Show Error logs associated with query_id from 2023-07-14 12:00

    ansible-playbook -K -i hosts click-sight-playbook.yaml -e '{"mode":"queries_error_timeline","from_datetime":"2023.07.14 12"}'


    • Result will save in {clickhouse_node_name}_clickhouse_queries_error_timeline.txt
    • Result will group by minutes and sorted by time of occurrence
    • You can see full detail about specific query_id by executing this query in {clickhouse_node_name} : select * from system.query_log where query_id = {query_id}


Timeline of all errors associated with given query_id from from_datetime Clickhouse Error for Given Query ID

  • Variables:

    • mode: For this, mode must be given_query_id_error_timeline. Default = fatal
    • query_id: query_id you want to have its error timeline. You can get one (query_id) from mode = queries_error_timeline. Default = "" (Default will show all Error level logs which not associated with specific query)
      • Note that query_id from node_x only valid for this node. You can't rely on result in another node (query is different in that node)
    • from_datetime: See detail of this variable in documentation of mode = error_timeline
  • Usage: Show all Error level logs for 7d6601eb-633d-4dc1-9863-65f0e3483717 query in cl-1 from 2023-07-14 12:00

    ansible-playbook -K -i hosts -l cl-1 click-disaster-playbook.yaml -e '{"mode":"given_query_id_error_timeline","from_datetime":"2023.07.14 12","query_id":"7d6601eb-633d-4dc1-9863-65f0e3483717"}'


    • Result will save in cl-1_clickhouse_given_query_id_error_timeline.txt
    • Result will group by minutes and sorted by time of occurrence
    • You can see full detail about this query_id by executing this query in node-1 : select * from system.query_log where query_id = 7d6601eb-633d-4dc1-9863-65f0e3483717


Timeline of given error from from_datetime with more detail (contains full error line) Clickhouse Timeline of Given Error

  • Variables:

    • mode: For this, mode must be given_error_timeline. Default = fatal
    • error: Error you want to have its timeline with full detail. You can get one from mode = error_timeline. Default = "StorageKafka"
    • from_datetime: See detail of this variable in documentation of mode = error_timeline
  • Usage: Show all logs which its error is ServerErrorHandler from 2023-07-14 12:00 with more detail.

    ansible-playbook -K -i hosts click-sight-playbook.yaml -e '{"mode":"given_error_timeline","from_datetime":"2023.07.14 12","error":"ServerErrorHandler"}'


    • Result save in {clickhouse_node_name}_clickhouse_given_error_timeline.txt
    • Result not grouped but sorted by time of occurrence


Get Insight from Clickhouse Error log. Clickhouse log aggregation using Ansible







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