The project is a system that recommends books for users based on their preferences entered into the system. Data is based on GoodReads data source. Also, it is necessary to meet some rules when recommending the book:
- The book must not be from a genre in which the user has no preferences
- The system must be able to offer an answer as to why it chose that particular book or books
- The system must be able to recommend more than one book to the user, if possible
- The book must be described in detail when offered to the user
The system also uses a decision tree as a method for choosing the best books for the user.
You will need matplotlib, tabloo, pandas and sckit-learn libraries to run the program.
pip install -r requirements.txt
The following are the installation steps:
Clone the repo
git clone
You can run the program as:
Distributed under the GPL-3.0 License. See LICENSE.txt
for more information.