Sentry is too resource heavy for tiny tasks. If all you need is just to receive limited amount of exceptions and have basic aggregation, you can try this.
This is hardly more than my weekend project. You can use it in development, or (if you're brave enough) even in you pet projects. But for sure not on any kind of serious production.
Tested only with Python apps.
- You can kep your raven setup. Just replace Sentry server with this.
- Aggregates exceptions by some basic rules and displays them in the browser.
- Send emails when new exception group is created.
- Works with SQLite, PostgreSQL or MySQL as database backends.
That's it, if you need more, why don't you use real Sentry instead? It's free.
- Python 3.6
- Free time (because I haven't tested it much yet).
Create virtualenv and install this app:
pip install minisentry
Create .env-config file, or use defaults (see configuration). To pick up .env-file you need to export path to it
Run migrations: migrate
Create superuser: createsuperuser
Run it:
Embedded uwsgi server will be started and you can access interface at (e.g.):
Daemonization is up to you. I prefer systemd. supervisord will also work.
6. Go to admin interface and add some projects. You will get project DSN string in admin. Getting it in browser is not implemented yet:
pip install -U minisentry migrate
service minisentry restart (in case of systemd)
Everything is configured in envvars. You can either use .env file to store them, or manage environment yourself.
If you want to use .env-file, just place values in plain text file and export path to it in MINISENTRY_ENV_PATH. E.g.:
export MINISENTRY_ENV_PATH=~/minisentry.env
Here are list of variables:
- SECRET_KEY: django secret key
- DEBUG: run in debug mode
- ALLOWED_HOSTS: put here your domain name where you hosting this server. Comma separated list
- DB_ENGINE: either sqlite/postgresql/mysql
- DB_NAME: in case of sqlite - path to the file, else - database name
- DB_USER/DB_PASSWORD/DB_HOST/DB_PORT: you know what to do. For sqlite not needed
- TIME_ZONE: Your time zone. Mine is "Europe/Amsterdam"
- LOGGING_CONSOLE_FORMATTER: "simple" or "verbose"
Email settings:
- DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL: From field for mails from minisentry
Server settings:
- MINISENTRY_WEB_STATS_ENABLE: Will enable uwsgi stats server, accessible by telnet
- MINISENTRY_WEB_SERVE_STATIC: Will serve static through uwsgi (default option)
- MINISENTRY_WEB_MULE_COUNT: Number of processed for offloaded tasks
More stuff:
- MINISENTRY_URL_PREFIX: Full address of your server: E.g.
- KEEP_DATA_FOR_DAYS: How long to keep not updated events
You can create as many accounts as you want. Everyone, who has email in his account details will receive emails. No configuration on that yet. DSN and admin access will be only for accounts with is_staff=True
It is TODO. Send me a PR maybe?