Omnigraffle Wireframing Kit helps to organize your wireframes into a slick presentation.
Open the files in the /export
directory for a demo.
You may want to start with creating a new virtualenv:
virtualenv --no-site-packages wireframing-kit
. wireframing-kit/bin/activate
Clone and setup the kit:
git clone
cd omnigraffle-wireframing-kit
pip install -r requirements.txt
fab start
Now you can open "http://localhost:5000" in your browser.
Edit wireframes.ini to modify or add wireframes or devices to your project.
Open Omnigraffle files from the "static/omnigraffle/" folder to edit the wireframes. When ready go to "File > Export...". Select "HTML image map" format. Select "Entire Document" in the "Export Area" menu. Confirm with "Save".