- Parse blood tests from photos
- Store data in sqlite database
- Create statistics about how values changed with different conditions, correlations between values, other...
- User uploads a photo of blood test (in specific format, maybe can be expanded later, for now I need to get rid of tons of paper)
- Date and list of values parsed from the document
- OCR errors for the keys and values are corrected by the user on frontend (standard keys for entries supplied from the database)
- Values saved to the database (there can be multiple tests with same date so list of values need to be expanded with new values)
- Statistics can be built using accumulated data
- tesseract ocr (in form of python bindings pyocr)
- Flask - web API
- PonyORM - for accessing sqlite database
- React/Redux/typescript for the frontend
- Parcel bundler for configurless builds
"date": "10.07.2018",
"values": [["RBC-Alyvarlar", "2.99"], ...]
- Redux
- React router
- Save new
- Update (PATCH) existing with new values
- Add tag for the test (on frontend)
- Ability to remove test entry
- Ability to add new entry
- List of all tests
- Remove test
- Test edit/view
- Enhance OCR quality (for now there is a problem with parsing more complex test entry keys than "MCV" or "PLT-Trombosit")
- Statistics
- Jupyter helper functions
- Standalone graphs Test