Bitbanging DS18B20 sensor through WiringPi
I simplified it to a bare minimum. Changed it over to WiringPi and added Java Binding. Tested and working on Raspberry Pi3 and NanoPi Neo.
This code enables you to place DS18B20 sensor on any pin on all devices that support WiringPi.
Please notify me if you test this code on any new devices.
Change this value in c_test.c and TempCReader.c:
#define DS18B20_PIN_NUMBER 7
Copy test_c.c to your device and run:
gcc -Wall -o test test_c.c -lwiringPi -lpthread
To run use:
Copy files from java folder to your device.
To compile run:
gcc -fPIC -I"$JAVA_HOME/include" -I"$JAVA_HOME/include/linux" -shared -o TempCReader.c -lwiringPi -lpthread
This will give you You can place this file in java library path or any folder just make sure to change to correct path in
After changing the path compile java file and run it.