Python 3 code for the second edition of my book "Machine learning: a probabilistic perspective" ( This is work in progress, so expect rough edges.
The main code lives in pyprobml/book. You can execute any script from the command line using 'python', or from inside a Python IDE (like Spyder).
Many of the scripts create plots. These are saved to the directory PYROBML/figures. To set this environment variable, add the following line to your .bash_profile file before opening a new terminal:
export PYPROBML="/Users/kpmurphy/github/pyprobml" # replace with your download location
If you don't set it, the plots won't be saved. (However it is useful to set it anyway since some scripts also need to find PYPROBML/data.)
We assume you have installed numpy, scipy, matplotlib, pandas, scikit-learn. (These are all pre-installed in anaconda.) Many of the scripts rely on extra libraries which you will need to install. This will often be indicated in the suffix of the filename, as follows:
- tf or keras: tensorflow (
- tfp: tensorflow probability (pip install --upgrade tfp-nightly)
- jax: (
- pymc3: (
- pytorch: (