Generates a java lib in model-elements.jar that can be used for networks and their elements, data profiles, scenarios, and so on. These classes are very lightweight and can be used as mock classes in testing. They also can be serialized (binary or json) via avro.
See the tests for some examples.
The project should build with maven.
If you installed avro through maven, you should be able to access the command-line tools by writing a simple shell script, called "avro":
java -jar ~/.m2/repository/org/apache/avro/avro-tools/1.7.1/avro-tools-1.7.1.jar $*
Then you can do:
avro --help
This includes commands to convert between binary avro and json.
The Avro IDL compiler transfers comments from the IDL definitions to the Java source files. Javadoc reads these commands to generate docs for the project. To run javadoc, do any of:
mvn site
mvn javadoc:javadoc
mvn javadoc:jar