Groovy implementation of human readable hashes, compatible with ie. it uses an identical word list and hash 'translation' function.
import com.whartonlabs.humanhash.HumanHasher
String digest = "7528880a986c40e78c38115e640da2a1"
Pass in a digest that contains only hexidecimal characters (0-9 and a-f),
and get back a human readable translation that's 4 words long, each word from a dictionary of 256 words.
Using 4 words, there are 2^32 possible hashes, or ~ 4.3 billion
assert new HumanHasher().humanize(digest) == "three-georgia-xray-jig"
You can change the fidelity of the humanized hash by requesting a different number of words,
giving the number as a second argument
assert new HumanHasher().humanize(digest, 6) == "high-mango-white-oregon-purple-charlie"
You can also pass in your own custom word list to the constructor,
useful for improving recognition for usage with languages other than english.
def customWordList = (0..255).collect { "alfa" } // not a useful wordlist, but demonstrates the point...
assert new HumanHasher(customWordList).humanize(digest) == "alfa-alfa-alfa-alfa"
That's really all there is to it!
Comes with Gradle wrapper, so nothing to install. Just navigate to the repository's root directory (where the build.gradle file is) and run
./gradlew test
Currently available from the OSS Sonatype repository at
Your Gradle dependency would be
compile 'com.whartonlabs:humanhash:0.2-SNAPSHOT'
Licensed under the terms of the Unlicense.