This project is a starter kit for setting up a Jenkins docker installation for CI and QA.
Tools integrated:
- Jenkins
- Jenkins Configuration as Code
- Jenkins plugins
- Docker
- SonarQube
- xUnit.Net
- Selenium
- k6
- grafana
- Dockerfile for building a custom Docker Image (built on top of the official one)
Note: this image relaxes some CSP to correctly visualize k6 HTML report.
If you do not need it, remove the JAVA_OPTS customization relative to hudson.model.DirectoryBrowserSupport.CSP parameter. - Configuration by Configuration as Code plugin
- Prepopulated with test jobs (remember to approve scripts before runnig them otherwise they'll fail)
- Different test jobs, described afterwards
- default-agent
- docker-agent
- push_image_to_local_registry
- docker-agent-from-local-registry (first run a local registry)
Builds a netcore image with java & sonarscanner already installed and puh it to local registry -
Example of integrating jenkins - netcore - sonarqube
Before running this job:- In Sonarqube: create a token for admin user
http://localhost:9000, user: admin, password: admin
Go to: Administration -> Security -> Users -> "Administrator" Tokens - In jenkins: config sonarqube credential.
JCasC has already provisioned a placeholder sonarqube token, just update its password with the token just created.
Go to Manage Jenkins -> Manage Credentials -> sonarqube-token-admin -> Update -> Change Password
After running this job login to sonarqube http://localhost:9000 and you'll see:
- Static code analysis
- Code coverage
- Test results
- In Sonarqube: create a token for admin user
Like the job before but faster.
This job uses a docker agent pre-configured for scanning net core projects.
Before running this job run the job 01_build_netcore_sonarscanner_image_and_push_to_local_registry which builds the net core sonarqube scanner and pushes it to local registry
If you run second or third job, you will end up with these results in sonarqube:
Here you will find a job example for running netcore unit tests with xUnit.
We again use the pitstop netcore project which ships with xUnit unit tests.
This job collects tests results and publishes results xUnit jenkins plugin.
This job also collects cove coverage and publishes results using cobertura Jenkins plugin
Results should look like this after running a couple of builds:
- a pipeline running a basic grid (3 browsers) and xunit UI tests against this grid
Note: seleniumhub is automatically run on demand by the jenkins job
You can follow tests progress pointing your browser to http://localhost:4444
a pipeline running k6 load test and publishing HTML report
After job runs, you should see a new report published like this: -
a pipeline running k6 load test and publishing k6 metrics to grafana Before running this job issue:
docker compose -f k6/docker-compose.yaml up
After job runs, you should see a new report published like this:
- running a local (insecure) registry for hosting custom images (used as agent from jenkins)
running a sonarqube server Please be sure to meet Docker Host Requirements
sysctl -w vm.max_map_count=524288 sysctl -w fs.file-max=131072 ulimit -n 131072 ulimit -u 8192
Dockerfile for creating a sonarqube netcore scanner for using as docker agent
- a docker-compose.yml file for setting up a basic selenium grid
- a xUnit project for testing the grid
- a docker-compose.yml file for setting up influxdb:1.8 and grafana with a pre-provisioned dashboard for visualizing k6 load test results (take from k6 repo)
- an example k6 load test also optionally generating HTML results (thank to k6-reporter project )
Project ships with some docker compose files for bringing up main parts of the system
Brings up the core infrastructure:- jenkins
- registry
Brings up the sonarqube infrastructure- postregs database
- sonarqube server
Brings up the selenium infrastructure- selenium-hub
- chrome node
- firefox node
- edge node
Brings up the grafana infrastructure- influxdb:1.8
- grafana with pre-provisioned dashboards
If you want the full system up&running with just one command you can issue:
docker compose -f .\docker-compose.yaml -f .\sonarqube\docker-compose.yaml -f .\k6\docker-compose.yaml up
You should see all containers coming up:
and of course to clean everything:
docker compose -f .\docker-compose.yaml -f .\sonarqube\docker-compose.yaml -f .\k6\docker-compose.yaml down -v
Note: selenium containers are not run with this command because the grid will be automatically run on demand by the Jenkins before running UI tests.