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Programa para pintar mangás automaticamente

Objetivo: #I don't know (rs)

It working:


YouTube link:

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Downloading Mangas:

You can download your mangas in Baixar mangas

move to the folder "/ manga / images / black-and-white"


It will ignore the first one (because it is the cover) and paint the next ones, so, leave the cover as first or as you see in the Download above.


Open the file /settings/algorithmia.js and update the datas.

Enter youy ApiKey and your username from Algorithmia

const apiKey = YOUR APIKEY
const username = YOUR USERNAME


Rename the ".example.env" file to just ".env" and enter your ApiKey and Username

algorthmiaApiKey = YOUR APIKEY
algorithmiaUsername = YOUR USERNAME

How to use:

npm install (To install the dependencies)

npm start (To install the program)

Enter the path of the images (Just the name of the folder up to the images)

In the end, it will be converted to pdf

Wait to open google chrome

(Ele ficará salvo em "./manga/pdfs/colorful/filename.pdf")