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anddea committed Jul 15, 2024
1 parent a331de2 commit c002788
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Showing 106 changed files with 13,013 additions and 2,092 deletions.

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
android:pathData="M 120 840 L 840 120 L 840 840 L 120 840 Z M 374.462 809.231 L 809.231 809.231 L 809.231 194 L 374.462 628.769 L 374.462 809.231 Z"
android:fillColor="?ytTextPrimary" />
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
android:pathData="M 359.846 800 L 190.769 800 Q 178.481 800 169.24 790.76 Q 160 781.519 160 769.231 L 160 600.154 Q 192.461 588.231 213.192 560.654 Q 233.923 533.077 233.923 498.538 Q 233.923 464 213.192 436.808 Q 192.461 409.615 160 396.923 L 160 227.846 Q 160 215.558 169.24 206.317 Q 178.481 197.077 190.769 197.077 L 358.538 197.077 Q 374.154 164 401.115 144.307 Q 428.077 124.615 462.308 124.615 Q 496.539 124.615 523.5 144.307 Q 550.462 164 566.077 197.077 L 732.154 197.077 Q 744.442 197.077 753.683 206.317 Q 762.923 215.558 762.923 227.846 L 762.923 393.923 Q 796 409.538 814.962 437.346 Q 833.923 465.154 833.923 499.385 Q 833.923 533.615 814.962 559.846 Q 796 586.077 762.923 601.692 L 762.923 769.231 Q 762.923 781.519 753.683 790.76 Q 744.442 800 732.154 800 L 563.077 800 Q 549.615 765.077 521.627 745.577 Q 493.638 726.077 461.281 726.077 Q 428.923 726.077 400.731 745.577 Q 372.538 765.077 359.846 800 Z M 190.769 769.231 L 343.846 769.231 Q 361.154 732.077 393.102 713.692 Q 425.05 695.308 461.487 695.308 Q 497.923 695.308 529.846 713.692 Q 561.769 732.077 579.077 769.231 L 732.154 769.231 L 732.154 575.769 L 734.077 575.769 Q 768.693 571.154 785.923 548.923 Q 803.154 526.692 803.154 499.769 Q 803.154 472.846 785.923 450.231 Q 768.693 427.616 734.077 423 L 732.154 423 L 732.154 227.846 L 538.692 227.846 L 538.692 224.461 Q 534.077 189.846 511.846 172.615 Q 489.615 155.384 462.308 155.384 Q 435 155.384 412.769 172.615 Q 390.539 189.846 385.923 224.461 L 385.923 227.846 L 190.769 227.846 L 190.769 378.615 Q 225.842 394.893 245.267 427.694 Q 264.692 460.494 264.692 498.761 Q 264.692 536.869 245.192 569.819 Q 225.692 602.769 190.769 618.462 L 190.769 769.231 Z M 462.692 499.769 Z"
android:fillColor="?ytTextPrimary" />
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
android:pathData="M 508.307 801.447 L 508.427 801.359 L 508.558 801.282 C 508.653 801.227 508.807 801.137 509.101 800.965 C 509.188 800.915 509.279 800.863 509.352 800.82 L 508.982 801.036 L 508.919 801.306 L 508.993 801.141 C 509.012 801.096 509.033 801.048 509.056 800.994 L 509.887 800.507 L 509.566 800.695 L 509.307 800.817 L 510.104 798.616 C 510.405 797.931 510.782 797.068 511.183 796.156 C 512.732 792.638 515.009 787.461 517.929 780.829 C 523.767 767.566 532.17 748.481 542.422 725.192 C 562.927 678.615 590.831 615.23 620.423 547.996 C 679.606 413.526 745.535 263.666 772.515 202.088 L 776.867 192.102 L 775.709 190.797 C 775.625 190.704 775.555 190.624 775.466 190.527 L 775.148 190.146 L 774.956 189.903 L 774.749 189.633 L 774.705 189.573 L 774.624 189.467 L 774.294 188.88 L 774.216 188.733 C 774.12 188.495 774.049 188.341 774.044 188.331 C 774.029 188.293 773.962 188.128 773.923 188.029 L 773.542 187.058 L 771.399 186.164 L 771.091 186.128 C 770.505 186.07 769.801 186.059 768.528 186.059 L 739.146 186.059 L 738.666 188.201 L 735.756 188.201 L 735.103 189.69 C 703.414 261.868 561.506 585.113 512.529 696.668 C 509.902 701.613 504.577 708.36 500.119 711.712 L 500.026 711.777 C 495.482 714.407 486.838 717.746 480.568 717.746 C 475.413 717.746 471.437 716.618 467.748 715.113 L 466.554 714.623 L 464.164 713.645 L 465.311 712.109 L 461.408 709.167 L 459.969 710.823 L 457.696 708.669 C 454.481 705.617 451.473 702.104 449.174 697.841 C 399.883 585.575 254.436 254.401 225.082 187.553 L 224.791 186.896 L 224.427 186.067 C 214.928 186.185 192.776 187.468 183.133 188.018 L 186.76 197.869 L 187.185 198.84 C 241.505 322.819 414.178 716.902 449.698 797.973 L 449.736 798.062 L 449.815 798.241 L 450.025 798.972 L 450.064 799.121 L 450.084 799.205 L 450.082 799.204 L 449.978 798.888 L 449.686 798.888 L 450.087 799.218 L 450.165 799.549 L 450.087 799.218 L 452.77 801.428 L 453.358 802.359 L 454.773 802.319 C 455.125 802.309 455.597 802.295 456.294 802.295 L 504.843 802.295 C 505.411 802.295 505.878 802.303 506.283 802.309 L 506.672 802.315 L 507.147 802.322 L 508.216 801.513 L 508.307 801.447 Z M 448.298 800.346 L 447.562 797.244 L 450.084 799.206 L 450.244 799.885 L 448.298 800.346 Z M 509.803 800.561 C 510.002 800.5 510.546 800.417 510.89 800.395 L 511.151 800.378 L 511.352 800.476 C 511.569 800.581 511.982 800.863 512.178 801.04 L 512.328 801.174 L 512.358 801.244 L 512.125 801.175 L 511.553 803.091 L 512.398 803.343 C 512.344 803.451 512.295 803.539 512.261 803.587 C 512.165 803.702 512.01 803.854 511.963 803.895 C 511.914 803.934 511.842 803.987 511.833 803.994 C 511.787 804.025 511.733 804.059 511.725 804.063 L 510.9 804.56 L 509.553 802.495 L 510.268 802.708 L 510.677 802.368 L 509.39 800.837 L 507.982 802.027 L 507.523 801.89 L 509.511 800.727 C 509.512 800.727 509.512 800.726 509.512 800.726 L 509.76 800.581 L 509.803 800.561 Z M 445.023 795.176 L 450.085 799.212 L 450.551 801.194 L 446.659 802.112 L 445.023 795.176 Z M 512.961 493.441 C 506.401 502.452 492.62 511.449 480.566 511.449 C 468.45 511.449 453.787 501.023 447.272 492.018 L 447.244 491.978 L 447.218 491.934 C 409.076 425.869 321.462 274.04 283.371 208.059 L 283.271 207.868 L 283.245 207.809 C 278.676 197.319 279.008 181.256 283.631 170.951 L 283.87 170.456 L 283.91 170.397 L 283.955 170.33 L 283.998 170.268 L 284.203 169.966 L 284.321 169.795 C 290.806 160.687 304.864 151.503 316.918 151.503 L 644.217 151.503 C 656.343 151.503 670.748 161.532 677.251 170.525 L 677.34 170.648 L 677.367 170.694 L 677.395 170.743 L 677.431 170.806 L 677.693 171.276 L 677.757 171.405 L 677.815 171.527 C 682.418 181.952 681.903 198.457 677.366 208.81 L 677.278 208.985 L 677.24 209.052 C 639.163 275.001 551.167 427.279 513.017 493.355 L 512.991 493.401 L 512.961 493.441 Z M 511.164 800.888 L 508.923 808.498 L 508.923 800.219 L 511.164 800.888 Z"
android:fillColor="?ytTextPrimary" />

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